She’s used to strangers stopping her in the street thanks to her role as Pippa in Home And Away. But since winning Hell’s Kitchen Australia, fans are approaching Debra Lawrance about something far more personal.
“I’ve heard many, many stories from women from all walks of life who either have ovarian cancer or have a friend or family member who has been diagnosed,” Debra, 61, says.

Debra as Pippa in Home and Away with co-star Kate Ritchie.
The Please Like Me actress didn’t go on Hell’s Kitchen just to improve her cooking. She wanted to raise awareness of ovarian cancer after a close friend died of the disease.
“She led a very healthy life in NZ,” Debra explains. “When my friend passed away, the unfair sadness of it was hard to take.”

Debra’s Hell’s Kitchen win is helping her raise awareness for ovarian cancer.
Now, Debra is urging everyone to get involved with Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month this February by buying a teal ribbon or hosting an Afternoon Teal. The money raised will go towards research, awareness and support.
But she also wants women to become more aware of their bodies and see their GP if they experience symptoms. There is no test for ovarian cancer, so the earlier the diagnosis, the better the prognosis.
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