In the aftermath of the deadly shootout, several futures hang in the balance – and Rose is blaming herself for all of it.
In Home And Away, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) remains in a coma after being shot during the police raid at the bikie headquarters. Rose (Kirsty Marillier) believes it’s her fault for putting him in harm’s way.
The policewoman was so desperate to bust her ex-boyfriend Tex (Lucas Linehan), especially after he duped her about his identity, she disregarded what was at stake.
“The atmosphere in the hospital is tense. Cash really is touch-and-go and could die,” Nicholas, 33, tells TV WEEK. “Everyone is just hoping he survives.”

Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) remains in a coma after being shot during the police raid at the bikie headquarters.
(Image: Seven)Still, the drama isn’t over as the trial begins. Rose takes the stand to testify against Tex, but is faced with a barrage of humiliating assertions about her relationship with the defendant.
Recounting their affair brings up conflicting memories for them both.
“Tex absolutely has feelings for Rose, but I don’t think he came to Summer Bay to fall for the local cop,” Lucas, 32, explains.
“The only problem is that Tex’s gang, The Death Adders, come first for him, and when push comes to shove, he has to make difficult choices.”
After working with the police to bring down gang leader Marty (Ben Wood) and his crew, Tane (Ethan Browne) is hoping to walk free.
But in order to keep him safe, he and Rose must try to convince the bikies he had nothing to do with the raid on their headquarters. Next morning, however, their association with the bikies makes media headlines, turning all of Summer Bay against them.
As the pressure mounts, Rose struggles to keep her emotions in check. In a heart-to-heart with brother Xander (Luke Van Os), she decides that maybe Summer Bay isn’t home anymore…

Rose (Kirsty Marillier) believes Cash’s coma is her fault for putting him in harm’s way.
(Image: Seven)Jealous Dean lashes out at Remi
When Bob left the band, he took the van with him, leaving Lyrik in urgent need of wheels.
Mechanic Ziggy agreed to join Remi to look at a replacement, but their well-intentioned inspection goes very wrong when they find themselves trapped in a shed somewhere remote.
This week, after the owner of the van duped Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) and Remi (Adam Rowland) and stole their car, the pair are forced to spend the night in a dusty shed.
Neither have their phones and, as night falls, Dean (Patrick O’Connor) is worried sick.
Dean, who believes Remi is out to steal Ziggy from him, gets to work on finding her, unaware she’s with the musician.
As dawn breaks, Dean finds what he’s looking for and races to help Ziggy.
When the shed doors open, Ziggy goes to embrace her rescuer, but is appalled when her boyfriend punches Remi in the face. This can’t end well…