Get ready to combine your three favourite things – coffee, chocolate and amazing brows in one simple, at-home brow tint. It’s natural, smells fantastic and it actually works!
Beauty blogger, Jennifer Chiu, created this incredible DIY beauty hack to tint your brows at home without the scary chemical smell. Plus it’s super easy!
1. Start with two tablespoons of mixed coffee grounds and use cocoa powder to lighten the ‘tint’ to the right shade for your brows. Mix well!

2. To make sure the mixture doesn’t fall straight off your brows follow the lead of Chiu and add coconut oil and honey to create a liquid consistency. You could probably also sub in maple syrup or any other sticky substance you have around the house.

3. Brush through your brows with a spoolie into the shape you want to tint.

4. Apply your tint carefully! Take the time to colour inside the lines to avoid a coffee stained face.

5. Let the mixture sit for twenty minutes and then wash off for flawless tinted brows.
Check out the full tutorial here.
This story was originally published on Cosmpolitan Australia