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Manage oily skin

Question During summer, my skin seems to be a lot oilier. Is there anything I can do to counteract this? Lou Hampton, via email. Answer Some skin types may seem oilier in summer, but it may be that you are perspiring more, which can make oily-skin problems seem worse. Be careful not to over-cleanse in […]
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Ease congestion, breakouts and blackheads

Question I’ve been suffering from a few breakouts during the summer holidays and am not sure why. Is it something to do with the weather do you think? Sandra Aventis, via email. Answer “Take a look at your sunblock,” says Dr Tom Mammone, Clinique’s director of biological research and development. “There are two types of […]
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Treatment for psoriasis

Question I have terrible psoriasis and I’m dreading baring my skin with summer approaching. What’s the latest treatment? W. Harris, Surry Hills, NSW. Answer Dermatologist Dr Jo-Ann See explains that psoriasis is a skin condition partly caused by overactive T-cells in the immune system triggering an inflammatory reaction in the skin. This causes skin cells […]
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Love long-wearing lipstick?

Question: Could you please tell me what makes a lipstick long-wearing? I’m so confused by matt/demi-matt/cream/gloss formulations. Please explain! Sonia Schwartz, via email. Answer: “The longest lasting lipsticks are matte,” says Poppy King, colour designer for Prescriptives and former lipstick creator. “They have a high level of pigment and no shine. Pigments come in a […]
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Fading hair colour

Question: Why does my hair colour fade so quickly in summer and what can I do to prevent it? P. Burke, Fitzroy, Vic. Answer: While long, hot summers and lazy days at the beach are some of the best things about living in Australia, a less desirable side effect is overexposure to the sun and […]
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How to: Secrets to smudge-free eye makeup

Question: How do I keep my eyeliner from smudging? I wear good foundation and concealer, but my eyes look like they have been out all night, while the rest of my face is glowing! Anna Cosic, via e-mail. Answer: “To start, you need to determine if it’s actually your eyeliner or your mascara that’s smudging,” […]
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How to: Get rid of vertical lip lines

Question: What is the best treatment for removing vertical lines on your upper lip? Sue, via e-mail. Answer: According to Sophy Dennett, from the Avana Clinic in Bondi, Sydney, “The latest treatment that’s giving the best results for ridding lines above the mouth is Botox, an injectable substance used to temporarily paralyse muscle function. When […]
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hair dye

At-home hair dyes

Question: I have reddish-brown hair and would like to dye it blonde, without having to spend a fortune at the hairdressers. How can I use home products? Tracey, via e-mail. Answer: It can be tricky dying brown hair with red undertones blonde without going “brassy”. When trying this yourself, the Schwarzkopf Advice Line suggests starting […]
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Dry hair

Question: I have just had my hair permed and now I find it a little dry. What is the best product to put on my hair to help nourish it? Tania Atkins Answer: There are a number of over the counter treatments that you can buy to help nourish hair. My favourite is the VO5 […]
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Smudge-proof eyeliner

Question: I have tried almost every eyeliner on the market and spent a lot of money trying to find one that does not smudge under my eyes. It’s driving me crazy. Any suggestions? Tamara Answer: You need to apply a primer or foundation over your lids to allow your pencil to stay put. Once you’ve […]
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