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New acne scarring solution

New acne scarring solution

A new solution to rid the skin of scarring, known as punch grafting, has become one of the most effective ways to treat scarring, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

The process involves using skin from behind the ears as a skin graft over acne scarring.

Dr Puneet Gupta, a GP with a special interest in dermatology, said despite there being other treatments out there, punch grafting is particularly suitable for those who have severe acne scarring.

“Over the past five years, laser treatment, which stimulates the production of collagen, has been used very successfully as a treatment for acne scarring,” Dr Gupta said.

“However, for people with very deep craters, even strong laser treatment is not enough. They are usually in a very visible part of the face, are hard to camouflage even with make-up, and, as a result, patients often feel very self-conscious.”

But there are some downsides to punch grafting. There is a risk of the graft not taking as well as it should, the area that has been grafted may end up higher than surrounding skin and the grafted skin may not match perfectly.

Website acne.org.au reports that acne affects 85 percent of Australians aged between 15 and 24 years and is the most common skin disease.

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