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Minimise large pores

Face washing


What is the solution to minimising large pores?

Clover, via email.


Pores are passageways for oil to be released into the skin,” explains dermatologist Dr David Orentreich. “They may be barely visible on people prone to drier skin, whereas people with oily or thicker skin tend to have larger, more noticeable pores. They can get larger as we age, due to exposure to the sun and UV damage, which weakens the supporting skin structures surrounding the pores, allowing them to stretch.” He also warns against squeezing pores because this can damage surrounding tissue.

The good news is that you can shrink pores if you “empty” them. According to Dr Orentreich, this involves a regimen of careful cleansing, exfoliating and the correct use of moisturisers (that is, not over-moisturising) to help keep pores healthy and reduce the production of oil. Using oil-free make-up or taking certain oral medications prescribed by a dermatologist can also reduce pore size.

The AWW Beauty Team

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