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Kim Kardashian’s hairline tips to staying young

Kim Kardashian’s secret to staying young

Kim Kardashian’s face has changed a lot over the years, but it seems the reality star has been issued a warning from her future husband Kanye West: No more surgery!


Kanye, whose mother died on the operating table during surgery, has asked Kim to refrain from any more “lipo, botox or another nose job” after coming across messages between Kim and her surgeons, Heat magazine reveals.

The pair, who got engaged last month, are putting together a pre-nup clause that prohibits Kim from any further surgery and sees her suffer a financial penalty of around $500,000 if the couple divorce.

Thankfully for Kim, who has spent the past seven years perfecting her face, surgery isn’t the only secret to her youthful appearance.

Health professionals say the main change to the 33-year-old’s face actually isn’t all thanks to surgery, but an altered hairline.


While some have hinted at a full hairline lift, most experts agree that Kim has used laser surgery on her forehead to remove excess hair, creating a new hairline.

WATCH: Kim poses topless in new Kanye video.

Embarrassing Bodies hair loss expert, UK surgeon Asim Shahmalak, says Kim has almost certainly had the procedure done.

“It is very likely that Kim Kardashian has had the baby hairs around her hairline removed.


“This can be done by waxing, but it is more likely that Kim has opted for laser surgery, a more permanent form of removal.”

Dr Shahmalak says the hairline procedure is fairly uncommon, but celebrity publicity could increase demand.

“This kind of procedure around the hairline is much less common. Obviously some women – particularly celebrities – are very sensitive about their appearances and may feel hair growth in this area is a little unfeminine.

“It is a relatively straightforward procedure that can be done in the lunch-hour with very quick recovery time. “Laser treatment will remove hair permanently in 4-6 sessions – the key is to catch the hair follicle throughout all of its growth cycles.”


Kim will have to find some new areas to laser now that Kanye has banned surgery!

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