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How to do your makeup in five minutes

A full face of makeup in just five minutes – we show you how.
How to do your makeup in five minutes

A full face of makeup in just five minutes – we show you how.

Before kids I used to take my time getting ready for work in the morning. Now that I’m a mum, mornings are hectic. I feel blessed if I make it out without egg on my shirt.

What is non-negotiable is my makeup, so I’ve had to whittle down the time it takes to apply a full face. As long as I have just five minutes to myself, I can be ready to take on the world (at least from the neck up, anyway).

Here’s my simple guide to an effortless, game-ready face in five minutes.


Foundation: Having smooth skin and a flawless foundation will make you look polished. I use BB cream as it’s easy to apply quickly with my fingers. I always do my eyelids as well to prep them for eye shadow.

Blend: Proper blending is the easiest way to the flawless finish. I rub a sponge around the hairline, corners of my nose, under my chin and around my eyebrows. The idea is to get rid of any obvious lines or build-up of foundation.

Concealer: I absolutely LOVE concealer and use it mostly for dark circles, although it’s great for blemishes too. I apply under my eyes and then pat with my finger to gently blend.


Eye shadow: I have a go-to colour that I adore for every day. It is a nude tone with a touch of shimmer that will match any outfit. It goes over the whole lid and up to the brow, taking literally seconds. Find a colour that suits you and you’ll always look impeccable without hassle.

Mascara: I use mascara with a small, straight brush as it is so much easier to apply. The big fat ones are hard to wield unless you’re a supermodel with crazy-long eyelashes.


Bronzer: I use a big brush to apply a dusting of bronzer up my neck and around the edges of my face. I use a light hand as I want to a radiant halo rather than heavy, flat colour. My technique will slim down your face and give a beautiful luminous glow. If you use powder over your foundation, do that now instead of bronzer.


Lipstick: As with my eyes hadow, I have an everyday lipstick that I know works. It is a delicate rose pink, a few shades brighter than my natural lips. I apply, blot with a tissue and add a second layer for staying power.

Blusher: This might sound weird but when I’m in a rush I use my lipstick as blush. As long as you are using a pinkish tone then this will work and gives a pretty, youthful effect. To apply, I do an exaggerated smile and put a dot of lipstick in the middle of the cheek and blend to soften. You can also use crème blush or a powder.

So that’s it. A full face in five minutes flat!

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