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Beauty tips for achieving physical balance



The secret to overall wellness and beauty is down to achieving homeostasis, a balance of alkalis and acids in the body. Monique Bolland, owner of Sydney’s Alkaline Spa and Clinic reveals to Anna Warwick all you need to know to glow inside and out.

The magic of pH balance

For optimum health our bodies need to maintain a slightly alkaline state. This is the opposite of an acidic, or toxic, state.

In modern society, our levels of acidity are dramatically increased through excessive stress, poor eating habits and environmental toxins that we ingest every day, through the food we eat and the air we breathe.

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This acidic state is ideal for the fermentation of yeast and the incubation of bacteria, parasites and disease. But it’s far from ideal for your health. Common signs of this toxic acidity include weight gain, fatigue, digestive disorders and the outward signs of ageing. By helping our bodies eliminate acidic toxins and increase alkalinity on a regular basis, we take enormous strain off our organs and immune systems, and help them to do what they do best: concentrate on building health, strength and vitality.

If you’re healthy and alkaline on the inside, you’ll see the results on the outside. So you must look after the physical state of health your body at a cellular level. Your skin will glow, eyes will sparkle, hair will shine, and you’ll radiate energy and wellbeing.

Regular detoxing

Regular detoxing is the best way to achieve optimal inner and outer health. When we stop consuming new toxins, we allow the body to properly eliminate everything that’s built up. Avoid foods that cause acidity, such as animal products (meat and dairy), sugar, processed foods, alcohol and caffeine.

Keep it up

There’s very little point in doing a big detox and depriving yourself of all the things you love for a week, only to overindulge for two days afterwards, then go back to life as it was. You need to maintain your new level of health by doing little things to help your body detox on a regular basis.

Help your body to stay on top of the modern-day toxic overload by following these simple tips.

  • Start your day with a squeeze of lemon in a glass of hot water.

  • Drink alkaline water (with a pH of 8.0 or higher). This is rich in essential buffer minerals which help neutralise acid.

  • Dry brush your skin or use salt scrubs to clear off dead skin cells, allowing clear pathways for skin elimination.

  • Use skin products that are as natural and nourishing as possible.

  • Get plenty of rest and relaxation to reduce stress, which reduces toxic build-up.

Clinical treatments

The following treatments aim to assist the body’s natural pathways of detoxification; taking excess strain off organs and systems and allowing the body to bring itself back into balance.

  • Naturopathy assists through diet and lifestyle changes, implementing personalised detox programs, supporting the organs with herbs and supplements when needed.

  • Infrared wraps and detox saunas increase circulation and aid skin elimination.

  • Colon hydrotherapy is used to cleanse built-up toxins from the bowel. Un-eliminated waste in the bowel means toxins are reabsorbed into the bloodstream and must be recirculated and “cleaned” again by the liver. Keeping the colon functioning means the liver can focus on filtering new waste rather than old.In pictures: Oprah’s five life lessons

  • Endermologie clears blockages and assists flow in the lymphatic and venous circulation systems.

  • Natural skincare products put on the skin are absorbed into the bloodstream. Products that are natural rather than heavily chemical will help decrease toxic load in the body.

  • Massage and spa treatments to reduce stress levels.

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For a blood test and analysis with personalised advice, visit Alkaline Spa and Clinic

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