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Angelique Snelleksz, ByAngelique, Illuminated Accessories

An eye for detail, design, colour and texture prompted Melbourne’s Angelique Snelleksz to create a range of must-have beauty products, which not only make you marvel at their clever design, but make you wonder how you ever survived without them. Angelique shares her business advice below.

Tweezeme byANGELIQUE hit the market in 2006, revolutionising the burgeoning brow grooming market with its slanted stainless steel tweezers lit with an in-built LED light.

After such an initial success, the 30-something innovator was determined to come up with another beauty brainstorm with “wow” factor. Next in line was Lipdelight, a lip gloss with an in-built LED light and on/off button so you can gloss your lips anywhere, anytime.

“I continually want to create things that are unique and different, and that will make life easier,” comments Angelique.

Following a mantra of affordability, ease of use, function, quality and portability, Angelique next developed Makemeup, a dual-lit compact mirror perfect for tweezing up close, or applying make-up at any time of day or night.

Plan your idea through carefully from beginning to end. Think carefully about how you are going to make it happen. What are the costs involved? How are you going to promote your idea? It is better that you foresee obstacles at the beginning rather than when you are half way through your project. It is very important to be realistic but at the same time keep believing in yourself and never give up.

  • Have a plan and set yourself goals. Then set dates to those goals.

  • Have the right mindset. Ensure you are disciplined, focused and driven. No matter what happens have a positive mind. In challenging times, if a negative thought enters my mind I imagine the rubbish bin on my computer monitor and I throw it away. Then I imagine emptying the trash.

  • What are your start-up costs. Ensure you have enough start-up capital to see you through the first 12 months. Do a cash flow projection at the end of every month. It only takes 30 minutes — one hour per month if you run it consistently.

  • Be a great networker and stay real. The most valuable relationships I have formed throughout my business have all been through networking and establishing long term relationships.

  • Love what you do.

I have funded my products myself. I had a plan to develop my own range almost two years before it actually happened. I sacrificed and saved over this time. There are other ways which would include having a trustworthy business partner/s whereby you all respect and share each others vision. You can prepare a professional business plan and attract an investor.

  • Be rude or bad mannered

  • Take risks and use untrustworthy manufacturers or wholesalers

  • Do anything without researching the market first. Understand who your consumer is and what your consumer wants.

Your Say: Have you tried ByAngelique illuminated accessories? Tell us your thoughts below…

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