This is the bleak reality of what it was really like working for Harvey Wienstein
We shouldn't be surprised but this is SHOCKING!

Brilliant books to help you start your 2018 off right
Forget the strain of 2017, we're starting the new year with a fresh, positive state of mind.

Ed Sheeran video in Liberia has been nominated as one of the most offensive adverts of 2017
It's been labelled as poverty porn and it's about time.

GOOP’s 2017 Christmas list is the most unrelatable thing you’ll read today
This is the one promise we can keep

How to do all your Christmas shopping in one day
Only have one day to spare? Try this guide to help you get it all done in one afternoon.

A reminder for the tabloids that Millie Bobbie Brown is a child
She's never so much as put out a bin, so why is she being sexualised?

Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian Family
That's Rob, Kris, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Kendall