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Now to Love

Celebrity News

March 2003 book reviews

Angel On My Shoulder – An Autobiography by Natalie Cole, (written with Digby Diehl), Warner Books, $19.95. The Grammy Award-winning singer and daughter of the legendary Nat King Cole dishes up her amazing life story with honesty and bravura. Told in straightforward and simple prose, Cole resembles a prize fighter the way she manages to […]
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No worries

No worries

Worrying thoughts drive the vicious circle of anxiety. With every worrying thought, anxiety rises a little more. Challenging such thoughts enables you to jump out of the vicious circle and stop anxiety rising. As we’ve seen, worrying thoughts can be challenged with three questions: What is the evidence for what I thought? What is the […]
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Worrying thoughts: possible responses

First, examine the pattern of worrying thoughts that can lead to stress. Now that you’ve worked through these four practice exercises, you may find it helpful to compare your responses with the various possibilities that follow. Possible response to Practice 1 What is the evidence for what I thought? When anxious I feel as if […]
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Graveyard shift risks

Graveyard shift risks

Working nights may lead to more than just sleep deprivation, according to a study published in the American Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which reported a startling 60 per cent increased risk of breast cancer for women who had worked nights for more than three years. Why? Researchers think that night workers produce less […]
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March 03 book gossip
Celebrity News

March 03 book gossip

The word is out… The Sydney Writers’ Festival (May 19-25), will feature an all-star line-up of 150 writers from Australia and the world. Most of the festival unfolds at Wharf 4/5 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay with these writers already lined up: Janette Turner Hospital, Iain Banks, Augusten Burroughs, Robert Dessaix, Jackie French, Louis Nowra and […]
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Q&a Catherine Gildiner

Q&a Catherine Gildiner

CATHERINE GILDINER, author of the award- winning best-seller, Too Close To The Falls – A Memoir (Flamingo $21.95), which has been selected as the Great Read in the March issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. A touching and hilarious story, set in the 1950s in a small town, near Niagara Falls. Catherine is a wild […]
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Too close to the falls
Celebrity News

Too close to the falls

Meet MARILYN MONROE in an exclusive extract from March Great Read: Too Close To The Falls – A Memoir by Catherine Gildiner (Flamingo, $21.95) The Marilyn Monroe saga: It is 1952 and four year old Cathy and Roy are delivering a prescription to Marilyn Monroe on the set of the movie Niagra, which is being […]
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Extract: the sunday wife
Celebrity News

Extract: the sunday wife

Our Great Read for February is The Sunday Wife by Cassandra King (Allen and Unwin). Look out for it in your local bookshop, bearing the Great Read Sticker! I ENDED UP AT Grayton Beach because I came to Crystal Springs first. It was three years ago, the first Wednesday in June, that Ben and I […]
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Celebrity News

Book gossip: Feb 2003

Stranger than fiction… get the scoop on the happenings of the book world! It isn’t easy being the son of someone famous. And it’s even harder if you choose a career in the same field. Thomas Steinbeck, son of John, who has made a living writing screenplays and teleplays, has waited until his mid-50s to […]
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Celebrity News

February 2003 book reviews

A Presumption of Death by Jill Paton Walsh and Dorothy L. Sayers, Hodder Headline, $29.95. While Harriet Vane’s husband, Lord Peter Wimsey, is aboard on hugely hush-hush business at the beginning of World War II, she takes their children to the safety of Tallboys, their country home. But as villagers emerge from the inn cellars […]
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Q&a: Cassandra King

Q&a: Cassandra King

Cassandra King is author of The Sunday Wife, selected as The Great Read in the February issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. The plot centres on the beautiful and talented Dean, who tries hard to live up to the expectations of her odious preacher husband and his congregation. It’s an involving, emotional and intelligent read […]
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Choosing your attitude

Choosing your attitude

Yes, choose! We have little control over many stressful events and the bigger the event, the smaller we may feel by comparison. For example, when we hear about famine in Africa, we may feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the problem. Very few of us, however, would refuse to give food to a hungry […]
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Five great ways to simplify

Five great ways to simplify

Feeling overwhelmed? Here are five easy ways to streamline your life, find more time and feel less stressed. 1. Have a clean-out. According to feng shui, the Chinese art of placement, the clutter in your home correlates with parts of your life that need attention. Key spots include your entrance, which represents how you approach […]
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Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer

A promising remedy for prostate cancer? Science has good news for men. A recent study, published in The Journal of Urology, shows that a supplement containing the herbs saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) slows the growth of prostate cancer. The study tested the effects of the herbs on 69 men with prostate […]
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Teddy bed
Celebrity News

Teddy bed

A cute teddy-bed sleeping bag is perfect for sleepovers! DIAGRAMS: Teddy Grid Mattress Pocket, Cover Lining and Pillow Pocket Back and Cover MATERIALS: 3.1m x 150cm cotton or woollen fabric 30cm x 40cm fur fabric 30cm x 40cm press-on interfacing 108cm x 75cm polyester padding sewing thread 4 press studs 104cm x 65cm rubber or […]
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From The Australian Women’s Weekly Health Series Stress: How to Cope with Pressure. Click Here to buy to the book! Gender thinking For whatever reason – whether by nature or conditioning – men and women tend to think in very different ways. These differences can generate enormous tension and stress. This may be reduced if […]
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Q&a: Lee Smith

Q&a: Lee Smith

Lee Smith is the author of The Last Girls, selected as the Great Read in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. The story centres on a group of old college friends who, in 1965, inspired by Huckleberry Finn, sailed a homemade raft down the Mississippi River. Thirty-four years later, they reunite to sail […]
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Get rid of glue
Celebrity News

Extract: the last girls

We hope you enjoy this extract from our Great Read for January: The Last Girls, by Lee Smith (Hodder). Look out for this, and other books bearing the ‘Great Read’ sticker in your local bookshop. *Mile 736 Memphis, Tennessee Friday 5/7/99 1645 hours* Harriet thinks it was William Faulkner who said that Mississippi begins in […]
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Six natural new year’s resolutions

Six natural new year’s resolutions

Follow these simple steps for a healthier new you. 1. Highlight the positive Instead of focusing on what you want to change, make a list of your good qualities and all the things you are thankful for. 2. Pamper yourself Once a week do something just for you: take a herbal bath, give yourself a […]
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Time to get lazy

Time to get lazy

Skip the early morning jog and sleep in, say research scientists at the German University of Fulda. Much like hibernating bears, people live longer if they sleep eight to nine hours a night, take naps and avoid long work hours and extreme exercise, say the researchers. Not that sloth should be your motto, they hasten […]
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Gilded christmas gourds
Celebrity News

Gilded christmas gourds

Gilding is the magic that can turn plain objects – such as these dried gourds – into gorgeous decorations. Materials: Dried gourds Metal scourer Sandpaper Cloth 2.5cm paint brush Jo Sonja’s artists’ gouache in Indian Red Oxide Jo Sonja Tannin Blocking Sealer (used as an adhesive) Imitation gold leaf Silky scarf Water-based sealer Varnish (water […]
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Virtually pain-free

Made famous amongst Aussie parents by kids who adore going to TimeZone, American psychologist David Patterson, PhD., is now using virtual reality (VR) to distract burn victims from the pain of daily wound care. While having their wounds cleaned, patients wearing VR visors can play in a computerised world where they have a snowball fight […]
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Trim your holiday trash

Trim your holiday trash

We throw away 25 per cent more rubbish during the period between Christmas and New Year’s Day than any other time of the year. This extra waste amounts to masses of unnecessary garbage – here are a few waste-reducing ideas: Instead of wrapping gifts for kids, hide the presents unwrapped, and plant clues to where […]
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Posie Graeme-Evans q&a

Posie Graeme-Evans q&a

Q & A with Posie Graeme-Evans, author of The Innocent, selected as the Great Read in the December issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. The Innocent, set in mediaeval Britain, tells the story of a young woman who is caught up in dangerous intrigues within the royal household and falls in love with someone she […]
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Christmas woes

Christmas woes

“Blood is thicker than water and it boils quicker” goes the old saying! The truth is, Christmas has never been much fun for those working behind the scenes. All in all, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for those who claim to enjoy it. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls. Lower your expectations Decide […]
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Yule survive

Yule survive

Sailing through the season happily is not only about getting your look right and conquering your nerves in public. It’s also about having the confidence to stand your ground when it comes to managing the finer details. For example, are you tired of being the one upon whose shoulders all the organisational responsibility seems to […]
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Family home designs

Family home designs

In a real family home with real kids, no room is sacred. It’s a myth that you can contain them and their gear and continue life as carefree grown-ups. It simply will not happen. The trade-off, however, is that a home without them would be less vibrant. It would lack the spontaneity and excitement that […]
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Ladies knitted mesh singlet
Celebrity News

Ladies knitted mesh singlet

MATERIALS: Milford Knitting and Crochet Cotton 4ply (50g balls): 2 (3, 3, 3, 4) balls. One pair each 3.25mm and 3.00mm knitting needles or sizes required to give correct tension. One stitch holder. Note: Yarn quantities are approximate only as they can vary between knitters. Use only the yarn specified for this garment. Other yarns […]
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Belinda Alexandra q&a

Belinda Alexandra q&a

Belinda Alexandra’s White Gardenia (HarperCollins), has been selected as the Great Read in the November issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.(see page 303). Her debut novel is based on the true life story of her Russian mother, who was forced to flee China at the outbreak of WWII and eventually made her way to Australia. […]
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Katherine Knight q&a
Celebrity News

Katherine Knight q&a

This month sees the release of a book that tells the shocking, true story of Katherine Knight, the first Australian woman to be sentenced to prison for life. Her crime- the ritual slaying and skinning of her defacto husband, made worse by the fact that she then cooked some of his body parts and served […]
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The real reason we’re fat

The real reason we’re fat

Mealtimes should be a perfect time for contemplation and relaxation. Unfortunately, we often gobble down our food in cars, in front of the TV and on the go- rarely stopping to truly taste and appreciate it. When we eat like this, the experience doesn’t register in our brains, says dietician Evelyn Tribole, and the result […]
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Do something scary

Do something scary

Short, intense bursts of excitement can actually make you more resilient and able to cope better with prolonged stress and tension. Have a day off work and organise to spend it doing something you’ve always wanted to do – but make it a challenge which makes you just a little bit nervous, something that expands […]
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The AWW Great Read
Celebrity News

The AWW Great Read

A few years ago, The Australian Women’s Weekly Book Club was formed to tell book lovers about riveting new books and to introduce more people to the joys of reading. Now that the Book Club is well established, The Australian Women’s Weekly is thrilled to bring you a fantastic new guide that will save readers […]
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Ann Packer q&a

Ann Packer q&a

Q & A with Ann Packer, author of The Dive From Clausen’s Pier (Piatkus, $29.95), which has been selected as The AWW Great Read in the October issue. (Turn to the magazine for a discount coupon and save heaps on the Great Read and other books reviewed in The Weekly). The Dive From Clausen’s Pier […]
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Cheese on toast
Celebrity News

Cheese on toast

For more than 20 years, publishing legend, Maggie Hamilton, was privy to the secrets of the rich and famous. As Publicity Director at Random House Australia, she met and toured with dozens of eminent authors, including Frederick Forsythe, Nicholas Evans, Joanna Trollope and singer Michael Crawford who was in Australia earlier this year to promote […]
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Start as you mean to go on

Start as you mean to go on

Every day presents a new opportunity to feel good about yourself – and how you actually get up and out of bed can profoundly affect the rest of the day. When you wake up, don’t leap out of bed. Lie still, and spend a little time gradually becoming aware of how you feel Stretch, and […]
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Sexual healing

Sexual healing

Got a headache? Forget the aspirin – think sexy thoughts instead! Such thoughts can lessen pain, say researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. In the study, students were divided into four groups: one was asked to think of a favourite sex fantasy while they held their hands in ice-cold water for as long […]
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Cross stitch pin cushion
Celebrity News

Cross stitch pin cushion

A pretty cross-stitch pin cushion makes the perfect birthday gift and is a great project to get beginners stitching. MATERIALS Small amount linen or Aida cloth (approx 14cm x 14cm) DMC stranded cotton in colours indicated on key Method Work the design in cross-stitch using 2 strands of cotton, except where indicated otherwise. Click here […]
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Garden trolley
Celebrity News

Garden trolley

Everything that’s needed for gardening can be found on this garden trolley. Mounted on castors, this clever trolley hides spare pots, sprays, potting mix and also has a place to hang your tools. Materials Cut the following sizes from waterproof 12mm ply: back (A) 1300mm x 200mm side (B) 1300mm x 350mm side (C) 1300mm […]
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Fatty acid news

Fatty acid news

New research confirms that omega-3 fatty acids may help save your heart, and relieve depression. Harvard School of Public Health researchers recently examined records of nearly 85,000 participants in the Nurses’ Health Study and found a 33 per cent drop in heart disease risk among those who took in the most omega-3s by regularly eating […]
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Don’t panic

Don’t panic

*”When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” John F. Kennedy Do you feel as though you are just lurching from one crisis to the next? The most important thing you can do when your life is like a pressure cooker is to […]
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Postcard from byron bay
Celebrity News

Postcard from byron bay

Blue skies, gorgeous balmy nights, fire dancing, gossip, lots of ideas and wine- they all flowed beautifully at the 2002 Byron Bay Writers Festival. Around 17,500 people attended, so the crowd was much bigger this year. As usual, the mood was languid and all very laid-back as people wove their way around the marquees erected […]
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Ian Bone Q&A

Ian Bone Q&A

Q & A with Ian Bone, author of The Song Of An Innocent Bystander, the September Book Of The Month in The Australian Women’s Weekly (Penguin Books, $18.95). The plot takes off like a runaway train, when nine-year-old Freda Opperman is separated from her parents at a fast food outlet and is caught up in […]
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Cross stitch overalls
Celebrity News

Cross stitch overalls

Personalise a pair of denim overalls with our simple cross-stitch designs that can be worked in an afternoon. Bunny Pattern Cat Pattern Dog Pattern Materials Small amount (8cm x 6cm) rectangle of 12-count waste canvas, for each design Babies or toddler’s denim overalls DMC stranded cotton in colours indicated on key Click here for key […]
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Rachael Treasure q&a

Rachael Treasure q&a

Talented Tasmanian writer, Rachael Treasure, has set her debut novel, Jillaroo (Penguin, $19.95 ) in rural Australia. It is a funny, sexy, romantic and ultimately moving drama about a young woman named Rebecca, who makes her own way in the world after a terrible argument with her father. A family tragedy leads to redemption. Q […]
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Baby cards
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Baby cards

Cute handmade cards are a great way to welcome a newborn into the world. The nappy pin card is made by placing a piece of sheer paper over a bright coloured base card. Fold the card in half and make holes at the top with a hole punch. Insert ribbon and tie in a bow […]
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Celebrity News

August 2002 book reviews

Harrison by the Editors of Rolling Stone (Simon & Schuster $59.95) This is the only book about the former Beatle, George Harrison, that has the full consent of the Harrison family and it’s a beauty. For fans of this legendary figure in pop culture, this is a detailed, intimate, beautifully put together celebration of his […]
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Nutrient thieves

Nutrient thieves

Here are some simple ways to make sure the vitamins in your food don’t go to waste. Don’t boil vegetables for too long. The water leeches out vitamins B and C. Instead, lightly boil or steam them. An exception is carrots, which should be boiled very lightly in order to break down the cell walls, […]
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Sock doll
Celebrity News

Sock doll

Use an old sock to make this charming soft doll – perfectly soft for newborn babies to grab and squeeze. MATERIALS Scissors One child’s white sock (size 9-12) Polyester fibre filling White thread Blue and pink stranded embroidery thread 50cm x 6mm ribbon METHOD STEP 1 Cut off the top of the sock, about 5cm […]
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Mother and baby peg dolls
Celebrity News

Mother and baby peg dolls

Our peg dolls are perfect to sell at fetes and fundraisers and children of all ages will enjoy making and personalising their dolls. MATERIALS (for each mother and baby doll) Two wooden doll pegs, one large and one small (available at craft outlets) Fabric scrap, for skirt (approx 6cm x 27cm) Scrap of broderie anglaise […]
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Knitted boy and girl dolls
Celebrity News

Knitted boy and girl dolls

Destined to be favourite toys, these colourful knitted dolls make an ideal gift for a new baby or a child’s birthday. METHOD MATERIALS Patons Tasman 8ply (100g balls): C1 (navy for girl or red for boy): 1 ball C2 (flesh for both): 1 ball C3 (royal blue for both): 1 ball C4 (white for both): […]
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Make great salad dressings

Make great salad dressings

“Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating gives spectacular joy to life.” -Elsa Schiaparelli, fashion designer. It’s not good enough to think: “I’ll just have a salad”, if what you’re putting on top of it is cancelling out any health benefits. By learning which oils are better for you than others, and experimenting with […]
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Laugh off illness

Laugh off illness

Laughter beats bugs Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicates that laughter may strengthen the immune system. In the study, 26 men and women were exposed to common allergens, which made them sneeze and experience a sore, raspy throat and tearing eyes. They were then shown a funny video. Symptoms […]
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Merridy Eastman q&a

Merridy Eastman q&a

Merridy Eastman, actress and former Play School presenter, talks about There’s A Bear In There (and he wants Swedish) (Allen & Unwin), a frank, funny account of her time spent working as a receptionist in a Sydney brothel. QHow did the idea for the book come about? A When I first started working there I […]
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Love, greg & lauren

Love, greg & lauren

You are about to read an extract from a remarkable book, Love, Greg & Lauren. It is the story of a medical miracle that seems unbelievable, but every word of it is true. Inspiring and deeply moving, it is a unique document of the will to survive. It is also, above all else, a love […]
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Be at peace

Be at peace

Consider this Buddhist saying: “The perfect disciple is one who is always stumbling – but never falls.” We all fall into traps of selfishness and delusion when we least expect it. The chance remark that wounds someone else, the careless lie, the irresistible urge to cheat are universal. Forgive yourself for being human. Apply to […]
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Kids knitted clown jumper
Celebrity News

Kids knitted clown jumper

Cute, colourful and cuddly – our clown jumper is sure to be a hit with kids of all ages. MATERIALS **8ply knitting wool (50g balls): Main Colour (M – blue): 6 (7, 7, 8**) balls. **Contrast 1 (C1 – yellow): 1 ball. Contrast 2 (C2 – red):** 1 ball. Contrast 3 (C3 – green): 1 […]
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Anita Shreve q&a

Anita Shreve q&a

ANITA SHREVE , best-selling author of The Pilot’s Wife, talks to The Australian Women’s Weekly about her new book, Sea Glass (Little, Brown $29.95), selected as The AWW’s Book Of The Month in the June issue. Sea Glass, set in New Hampshire in 1929, tells the story of a travelling type-writer salesman, Sexton Beecher, who […]
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Celebrity News

Turn your manuscript into a bestseller

Having trouble getting a publisher or literary agent to read your manuscript? The sad fact is that the majority of people involved in the business of books do not have time to read unsolicited manuscripts. Here are some hot tips from some of Australia’s top publishers and The Australian Women’s Weekly Book Club From The […]
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Anzac special
Celebrity News

Anzac special

Exclusive extract from a new Australian book, VOICE FROM THE TRENCHES by Noel Carthew (New Holland $24.95). As 1914 drew to a close, little did anyone in Australia know that four years of warfare lay ahead. Mothers could not foresee the anguish they would suffer, nor wives and sweethearts their heartbreak. Half a million young […]
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Knitted dog jumper
Celebrity News

Knitted dog jumper

The best-dressed dogs will love this cuddly dog coat – a very popular pattern which has twice featured in the pages of the magazine. MATERIALS **Cleckheaton Machinewash 8ply Crepe (50g balls): Main Colour (MC): 2 (3, 3, 4) balls. Contrast Colour (CC): 1 (1, 2, 2**) ball/s. One pair each 3.25mm (No 10) and 4.00mm […]
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Embroidered baby blanket
Celebrity News

Embroidered baby blanket

A snug embroidered woollen blanket is the perfect gift for new arrivals. Only three embroidery stitches are used to create a sensational result. MATERIALS Piece of woollen blanketing, desired size to fit your cot (we cut ours to 80cm x 75cm) 1.2m x 115cm cotton fabric for backing and borders (we used a yellow check […]
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Kate Jennings q&a

Kate Jennings q&a

Interview with Kate Jennings, author of Moral Hazard, Book Of The Month in the May issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. Moral Hazard (Picador $28): Clever, literary Cath, is plunged into the cut-throat world of Wall Street after her husband, Bailey, is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and she needs the money to pay for his […]
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Celebrity News

May 2002 book reviews

Voices From The Trenches by Noel Carthew (New Holland $24.95) This is the first war book I’ve read from beginning to end. It has everything – drama, horror, poetry and emotion. Using family letters written from the trenches during WWI to wives and sweethearts back home, the author breathes life and passion into in a […]
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Moral hazard
Celebrity News

Moral hazard

Exclusive extract from The Australian Women’s Weekly Book of the Month for May. Chapter 1, Moral Hazard by Kate Jennings (Picador $28): How would you have me write it? Bloody awful, all of it. I will tell my story as straight as I can, as straight as anyone’s crooked recollections allow. I will tell it […]
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Eat the right protein

Eat the right protein

Beans may be better than meat when it comes to maintaining strong bones, according to researchers at the University of California in San Francisco. They found that elderly women who consume more animal protein than vegetable protein usually experience more hip fractures and bone loss. Researchers hypothesise that when the body digests animal protein it […]
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Don’t let things fester

Don’t let things fester

Don’t let things fester Sticks and stones can break your bones, but harsh words can hurt even more. Research shows that arguing with your nearest and dearest makes you more vulnerable to a range of viral infections and lowers your immune system. Most pointedly, women showed more damage than men, presumably because they are also […]
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Tartan rug
Celebrity News

Tartan rug

The ideal picnic rug or a warm cover to wrap yourself into this winter. Our popular tartan rug is a classic that’s perfect for all seasons. Materials. Patons Tasman 8ply (100g) or any 8ply yarn; 4 balls red, 4 balls bottle green; 1 ball yellow; 1 ball white. One 3.50mm (No 9) crochet hook and […]
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Tassels and tiebacks
Celebrity News

Tassels and tiebacks

Add the finishing touch to curtains and cushions with our easy-to-make tassels. They have been designed so everyone can make them, even at the first attempt. Gold Tassels (Makes 2) Materials 2 plastic curtain rod ends Gold spray paint 30cm narrow gold cord Sharp scissors or craft knife 60cm x 16cm fringing Clear tape Tacky […]
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Stress release

Stress release

Just slow down Lewis Carroll put the feeling of spinning chaos that comes from go-go-going too fast in a nutshell when he wrote of “life becoming a spasm and history a whiz”. Sometimes you spend days just rushing from one meeting or task to the next, but no matter how hard you push yourself, you […]
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Celebrity News

April 2002 book gossip

One of Australia’s most famous – and best loved – entertainers, Olivia Newton John has signed up with Pan Macmillan. The major publishing coup follows months of negotiations with the star of Grease whose string of hit songs include Let’s Get Physical and If Not For You. Her memoirs, titled It’s A Charmed Life, will […]
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Celebrity News

April 2002 reviews

When The Snowgums Dance by Anne Rennie (Simon & Schuster $17.95) “To be kissed beneath the snowgums is to receive love at its most pure and its most devlish, and only immeasurable sacrifice can bring peace to the lovers,” is the legend that haunts this pacy love story. Set mostly on the crystalline slopes here […]
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Sarah Turnbull q&a

Sarah Turnbull q&a

Almost French by Sarah Turnbull (Random House $22.92) is the Book Of The Month in The Australian Women’s Weekly, April issue. It is a vivid, funny, sometimes teary account of the adventures of an Australian who falls in love with a Frenchman and goes to live in Paris. Q What made you write this book? […]
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Joanna Trollope q&a

Joanna Trollope q&a

AWW’s author of the month is JOANNA TROLLOPE who wrote GIRL FROM THE SOUTH, which features in the Reading Room in The Australian Women’s Weekly this month. Q. In this novel, women in their thirties are bright, successful and independent while in search of a romantic ideal of love? I think this is how young […]
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The egg and dye
Celebrity News

The egg and dye

Put a little tradition back into Easter with a clutch of engraved eggs, which have long been part of European Easter celebrations. Although motifs differ from country to country, the essential technique of scratching onto a dyed egg is the same throughout Europe. It is not a difficult process, and a collection can be built […]
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Footy scarf
Celebrity News

Footy scarf

Launch into the footy season this year with this simple scarf pattern. You can knit a warm footy scarf in your favourite team’s colours in no time! Materials Cleckheaton Country 8ply (50g balls): Main Colour (MC – purple): 3 balls First Contrast (C1 – green): 2 balls Second Contrast (C2 – red): 2 balls OR […]
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bindi irwin, animals, bindi the jungle girl

Awake refreshed

Get plenty of sleep or your happiness rating will suffer. Most people need a good six to eight hours sleep a night to feel in the best of moods. Have a regular bedtime and keep the bedroom for sleep and lovemaking only (so – no reminders of work!). Avoid alcohol and chocolate late at night […]
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Try a tonic

Try a tonic

Chinese herbalists say that the spices ginger and cardamom are ‘restoratives’, which means they enliven your metabolism by creating heat and energy. Try my recipe for this ‘metabolic tonic’ to stimulate the circulation – it’s particularly recommended for that dreaded ‘I’ve-gotta-cold-coming-on’ feeling. Metabolic Tonic: 5 cinnamon sticks, broken in half 2 one-centimetre (1/2 inch) slices […]
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Celebrity News

March 2002 reviews

20 Years From The Waist Up by Richard Morecroft, (HarperCollins $29.95) Away from TV and out of suit and tie, the recently retired newsreader is a modern day superman who turns into a rock climber, abseiler, motorbike rider, scuba diver and canoeist, among other things. But the focus of this gentle, entertaining read, is Morecroft’s […]
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Celebrity News

March 2002 book gossip

According to a recent US report, crime became a reality for whodunit diva, Mary Higgins Clark, after she lost millions of dollars that she had loaned to a New Jersey company as an investment. “I was shocked,” the best selling, 74 year old scribe told a newspaper. Mary and her two sons, invested more than […]
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Women making a difference
Celebrity News

Women making a difference

If something needs to be done, women just do it, without seeking praise or recognition. In rural and regional Australia, theirs is a vital role in driving economic and social change within communities. Whether it be paid or unpaid, their work, resourcefulness, imagination and endless perserverance is critical to the rural and national economy, yet […]
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Andrew g
Celebrity News

Andrew g

Age: 35 Location: Ivanhoe, NSW Type of farm: Sheep station Marital status: Single What are you looking for in a woman? I don’t have and set criteria as long as she is happy and down-to-earth. I would like her to be aged between 25 and 35 and social smoking and drinking is OK. Looks are […]
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Embroidered jeans
Celebrity News

Embroidered jeans

Click here for pattern Materials DMC stranded cotton in the following colours: 1 skein 553 violet, 2 skeins 704 Bright Chartreuse, I skein 740 Tangerine, 1 skein 3806 Light Cyclamen Pink, 1 skein 3607 Light Plum Size 24 chenille needle Tailor’s chalk Five small butterfly buttons in purple, mauve and orange (ours came from All […]
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Make your own rhino toy
Celebrity News

Make your own rhino toy

Materials: 50cm x 150cm-wide fabric (we used soft, thin imitation leather); thread; polyester fibre filling; 12mm pair of brown eyes; 50cm ribbon for the neck bow or a bandanna. Finished size.: Approximately 24cm high and 36cm long. Method. Enlarge pattern by placing on a photocopier set at 400 per cent; repeat using the copy. Place […]
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Monica Mcinerney q&a

Monica Mcinerney q&a

Monica McInerney, whose latest book, Upside Down Inside Out (Penguin), is featured in The Australian Women’s Weekly, February issue. Q How did you start writing? A: I had a short story published in an Australian women’s magazine, that was my start. Q You are one of seven children, where was your position in the family? […]
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Celebrity News

February 2002 book gossip

Good news for Donna Leon fans – her latest book, Wilful Behaviour (Random), is out in April. Also from Random, same month, comes Michael J Fox’s long awaited book, Lucky Man: A Memoir. Billed as a funny, moving account of what it’s like to be a 30 year old man with an 80 year old […]
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Furry shoulder bag
Celebrity News

Furry shoulder bag

Measurements Approximately 35cm x 40cm Materials 0.4m x 112cm novelty fur fabric 1.1m x 2cmw-de grosgrain ribbon 25cm square contrast felt, for star 25cm square transparent plastic, for star Glitter Craft glue Cutting From fur fabric, cut two rectangles, each 35cm x 40cm Method 1. STAR Star outline is printed on pattern sheet in black. […]
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Weekend detox plan

Weekend detox plan

Feeling below par? This gentle program of herbs, exercise, and bathing will cleanse your system and boost your vitality. It makes a lot of sense – especially after any kind of over-indulgence or stress – to give your body a rest. Another bonus: Cleansing diets help boost metabolism, and might help you lose a few […]
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Editor’s letter
Celebrity News

Editor’s letter

On the first day of every January, I rev myself up for the year ahead by resolving to be happier, healthier, wiser, slimmer, kinder, thriftier, more patient, more caring, more understanding, more selfless, more generous, more charitable, spend more and more time with my family … basically more of everything. And while I’m lying on […]
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Funky feather pencils
Celebrity News

Funky feather pencils

For ages. 5 years + Materials Pencils with erasers attached feathers tacky craft glue narrow sequined trim (available in haberdashery departments) small plastic eyes Step 1 Remove eraser from the end of the pencil. Squeeze glue into this hole and push the end of the feather into the glue and hold in place or rest […]
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Animal book marks
Celebrity News

Animal book marks

For ages. 4 years + Materials Coloured cardboard white paper pencil safety scissors craft glue felt pens Step 1 Enlarge our animal templates on a photocopier to the desired size. Trace and cut out to form patterns for your bookmarks. Step 2 Trace the patterns onto the cardboard in the colours of your choice and […]
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Beaded key rings
Celebrity News

Beaded key rings

For ages. 8 years + Materials Small wooden beads beading wire (available at selected craft outlets and beading stores) key ring attachment (available at craft stores) Step 1 Cut a length of beading wire about 20cm long. Using the pliers, form a 1cm wide coil in one end of the wire. Step 2 Thread 36 […]
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The write stuff
Celebrity News

The write stuff

Young children love small, inexpensive novelty items that they can buy with their own money – this trio of decorated pencils is just the sort of thing (and they’d also make perfect little prizes in a lucky dip). To make the Pompom Pencils spread the end of a new pencil with craft glue and wrap […]
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Live long and prosper

Live long and prosper

Improve your longevity by eating what’s possibly the healthiest diet in the world. On some small islands of Japan called Okinawa you’ll find more centenarians than anywhere else in the world. But what’s most surprising is that they’re not just old, they’re incredibly healthy. In fact, scientific studies of elderly Okinawans have found they have […]
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What’s in a serving?

What’s in a serving?

It’s easy to be confused about exactly how much a serving is. Here’s an easy guide to what one serving equals. Vegetables: 1 cup of raw, leafy vegetables or 1/2 cup of other vegetables, cooked or chopped raw. Fruits: 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked or canned fruit; 1 medium apple, banana or orange; 3/4 cup […]
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Eliminating excess kilojoules

Eliminating excess kilojoules

1. Spice up your meals. You’ll eat less. 2. Bulk up your salads. Chop vegetables into bigger pieces instead of shredding or slicing. You’ll chew more and eat less. 3.Drink water before your meal to decrease your appetite. 4.Try a juice spritzer, instead of juice. Just mix half of your favourite juice with water or […]
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Sue Miller q&a

Sue Miller q&a

With SUE MILLER who wrote The World Below, which features in the Reading Room in this The Australian Women’s Weekly this month. Q The difficulty of maintaining a good marriage is a theme in The World Below and other books of yours and obviously is a problem for many women nowadays? A There have been […]
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Chilli wreath
Celebrity News

Chilli wreath

For a unique yet festive Christmas decoration, make a gorgeous wreath. Hang one on the door, or make a few and hang them on the walls or around the garden. They’ll be the talk of the season! Materials 1 x wreath base (available from craft supply stores) 1 x hot glue gun 1 x hot […]
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Seashell wreath
Celebrity News

Seashell wreath

For a unique yet festive Christmas decoration, make a gorgeous wreath. Hang one on the door, or make a few and hang them on the walls or around the garden. They’ll be the talk of the season! Materials 1 x wreath base (available from craft supply stores) 1 x hot glue gun 1 x hot […]
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