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Now to Love

Let go of negative energy

Let go of negative energy

According to the Chinese system of chi kung, gently and rhythmically tapping various acupressure points on the body creates a vibrational wave that travels deep into the tissues, balancing the flow of energy, and stimulating the circulation and flow of lymph. These are the classic “Three Taps”, said to clear negative energy and help the […]
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Vitamin e and parkinson’s disease

Vitamin e and parkinson’s disease

The jury is still out on the cause of Parkinson’s Disease – a devastating illness that affects thousands of Australians each year – but researchers at Boston’s Harvard School of Public Health may have come across a clue. The study tracked the diets of 124,200 men and women over 12 to 14 years, and found […]
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Celebrity News

June 2003 book reviews

Full Fathom Five, by Kate Humphrey Flamingo, $29.95 The dark stormy night beloved of many mysteries is critical for a poor farming family. Their father, an erratically brilliant artist, is found hanging from a cliff face. What this means to Sara, who hasn’t left home for five years, her three brothers and wayward step-sister is […]
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Q&a: Louise Limerick

Q&a: Louise Limerick

Louise Limerick is author of Dying For Cake (Pan Macmillan Australia), the Great Read in the May issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.
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Nutrition iq answers

1c: Kale has 80 mg a cup, while a medium orange has 70 mg and a medium sweet potato has 28 mg. 2c: They both do, but monounsaturated oils - found in olive oil, almonds and avocado - have the...
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Herbs and surgery

Herbs and surgery

Herbs and Surgery Don’t Mix. Many common healing herbs – like ginseng and St John’s wort – can increase your chance of problems during or after surgery, says the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Herbal remedies affect how your body reacts when you undergo surgery. For instance, both ginkgo and feverfew can interfere with the blood-clotting […]
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Bath bliss

Bath bliss

If you use essential oils in your bath, add them just before entering so their delicate healing properties won’t evaporate in the steam before you get in the tub. Oh, and swoosh the water to disperse the drops thoroughly so there are no ‘hot spots’ of oil.
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