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Now to Love


Fussy eater

Question: My nine-year-old female terrier cross refuses her own food and is always stealing the cat’s food. Is it okay for her to be eating like this? Sarah, via e-mail. Answer: This is not an unusual problem – a lot of little dogs love cat food, particularly the fishy ones. It won’t do her any […]
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Dog eye problems

Question: My 11-year-old dog has cataracts in her eyes. Is it possible for them to be removed by a vet? Emma. Answer: Cataracts (stiffened opacities in the lens of the eye) are a very common problem in ageing dogs. They can cause visual disturbances and pain if there is associated glaucoma, and can even lead […]
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Fat mouse

Question: I’m writing to you about my four cute mice. I have one that is extremely overweight. She refuses to do any exercise but loves her food. What can I do about it? Amanda, via e-mail. Answer: What you may need to do is supervise her feeding or separate her only at mealtimes, because she […]
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Dog flu

Question: My dog, who is usually bright and chirpy, seems to be down in the dumps with a dry nose and runny eyes. Could this be a doggy flu? And can I give her human painkillers? Mary, Richmond, Vic. Answer: Yes, your pooch may have picked up a bug and be under the weather because […]
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Pets and plants

Pets and plants

Nurturing that brilliant display in your garden and coaxing that indoor plant back to life…You may spend hours caring for your plants, and the last thing you want is your pet destroying the fruits of your labour. But it’s equally important to think about the damage your plants can do to your pet. Many outdoor […]
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Training your budgie

Training a budgerigar isn’t difficult – it just requires patience and a calm manner. At first, only one person should train your budgie. This person should be alone with the budgie to avoid stressing the bird and each training session should last from 10 to 20 minutes. Begin by slowly placing your hand in the […]
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Puppy-proofing your home

Puppy-proofing your home

Bringing a puppy into your life is exciting, but be prepared to have that adorable wrecking machine let loose in your house. Before bringing your puppy home for the first time, it’s a good idea to puppy-proof your house and garden. Just like a home needs to be baby-proofed before a little bundle of human […]
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Barking Mad

It’s natural for dogs to bark, just as it is for birds to sing. But if your dog barks all the time it can drive you – and your neighbours – ‘barking’ mad! Having a dog is a bonus for home security, but dogs that bark constantly are not effective watchdogs because everyone just ignores […]
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Winter & your pet

Winter and your pet

The temperature’s dropping, the leaves are falling, you have an extra blanket on the bed and the winter woollies out of mothballs. The humans in your house may be all set for winter but what about your pets? It’s important that your pet has somewhere warm to sleep in winter, free of draughts and protected […]
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