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Now to Love

Real Life

I vacuumed up her ashes!

When I left my job and moved in with my boyfriend, our cash flow began to be a bit of a problem. Going from two incomes to one wasn’t as easy as we planned. So when a family member offered me the opportunity to clean her house twice a week for extra money, I jumped […]
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Cats and dogs

Question: I have two indoor cats (aged four and 10) which hate dogs, but I really want to get a dog that can also come inside. Is there any way I can get my cats to be friends with a dog? Julie, via e-mail. Answer: If your cats have never been exposed to dogs before, […]
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Sore feet

Question: I constantly suffer from sore feet. I don’t wear very high heels because of this, but still find that by the end of the day they’re tender and sore. Any solutions? Amy, via e-mail. Answer: We often forget our feet carry us around all day and that they’re the most neglected part of the […]
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High cholesterol

High cholesterol

By Annette Campbell “I really thought I was healthy!” says 26-year-old Rebecca Sarina. “I was within the healthy weight range, went to the gym a few times a week, and was conscious about eating well – though I did used to sneak the occasional ice cream or chocolate. But overall, I was pleased with my […]
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Put to the test

Put to the test

If you are starting a new fitness program with a gym or personal trainer chances are the first stop is an assessment of your current status.
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Be breast-aware

Be breast-aware

To mark Breast Awareness month, the Cancer Council is reminding women to be more aware of their breasts so they will notice any changes.
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