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Now to Love

Personal training

Personal training

What to consider when choosing a personal trainer? Personal trainers used to be confined to a celebrity’s entourage, but now they’re commonly used by many people and there’s a huge range of different types of trainers and training on offer. Not only are they sought by the young and fit, but older people are using […]
Real Life

I destroyed his dream

Jeff, my boyfriend, was a very talented painter and was held in great esteem at our high school, where he had already won many awards. But it was the end of year arts festival competition that he wanted to win the most. The prize was $5000! More importantly, Jeff knew that winning would be the […]
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Canine affection

Question: All dogs love to be scratched, rubbed, etc, on their lower neck, around their chest area, between their two shoulders. This is the only place that they are unable to reach by themselves. You’ll find most will start to doze and will love you forever. Answer: Kellie Taylor, via e-mail.
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Question: I want to know how to apply foundation properly so it doesn’t look like a bad job. Rosie, via e-mail. Answer: The best way to achieve a professional makeup application is to apply foundation with a flat, damp makeup sponge, starting down the centre of the face and blending outwards. This avoids any build-up […]
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Hair products

Question: I have dry and damaged hair. Can you please prescribe a good shampoo, conditioner and treatment to use on my hair to make it feel softer and look healthier? Tina, via e-mail. Answer: There are so many great shampoos and conditioners on the market. One of my favourite brands is the Kerastase range by […]
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Real Life

I sold my body to pay the bills

I am 29 years old. I have four children from my marriage, which ended six months ago when my husband decided he preferred the company of men. I always felt and stated that he was more like my best girlfriend than a husband and provider. Got to love those gut instincts! As a high-profile couple […]
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New puppy and older puppy

Question: Hello, We have just purchased a puppy who has just met his new one-year-old sister. They continue to fight and the puppy has become aggressive. How can we stop them fighting and stop the new puppy becoming so aggressive? Thank you, Laura, via e-mail. Answer: This is a very common scenario when puppies first […]
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Be positive!

Question: Never, never call your dog and then reprimand him when he comes. He will associate punishment with the command to come to you and will hesitate to obey or refuse completely. Answer: Even if he doesn’t come immediately, reward him with lots of praise when he does come. Eventually, he will learn that this […]
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Real Life

My best mate’s wedding

One of my closest friends got married a year ago. Mark had been dating Kate for three years and he always spoke about her so clumsily, you could see how happy he was to have found her. Two nights before the wedding, I was out with work friends at a private party. When I walked […]
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