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Now to Love



Question: I have a cat and a dog, and the dog always chases the cat. We’ve heard all these things about the cat “taking a swipe at the dog,” but our cat seems to be too afraid to do anything. My mom wants to give the cat to her friend because she (the cat) is […]
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Vegemite iceblocks for dogs

Question: Fill ice cube trays with vegemite dissolved in hot water; let cool, and then freeze. Serve to your dog on hot, sunny days. Our dogs love them! Answer: Francine Webb, via e-mail.
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Real Life

My bittersweet night

I was 21 years old and a happy young woman. I had a dream job at a television station and great friends and family. I had previously had several boyfriends and flings, but nothing that was serious and that was the way I liked it. However, one night I was at the pub with some […]
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Dog arthritis

Question: Is there treatment available for arthritis in dogs? I suspect my pug Judy has arthritis — she is often licking her leg and paw. She also finds it hard to get up stairs and walk properly when she has gotten out of bed. Joanne, via e-mail. Answer: Arthritis is a very common problem indeed […]
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Summer treats

Question: Freeze your dog’s favorite meat and give it to them for lunch on a hot day. They will love this cold “bone” and the entire thing is edible so they won’t leave any lying around when they’re finished. Answer: Amanda, via e-mail.
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Celebrity News


You will need: 2 x 1 litre (1¾ pint) milk cartons foil coloured cardboard cylinder pen cotton wool chenille sticks adhesive tape scissors Step 1 Seal the open end of a milk carton with tape. Cut a piece of foil to fit around entire carton. Carefully cover milk carton with foil lengthways, so that the […]
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Exclusive extract: Serving crazy with curry
Celebrity News

Exclusive extract: Serving crazy with curry

Selected as the Great Read in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. There is a Mute in the Kitchen Devi never cooked. It wasn’t like she was a terrible cook; she’d just never done it before. Saroj had tried to teach her children to cook without having them actually cook in her kitchen, […]
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Post baby kilos

Post baby kilos

The celebrity mums make it look a breeze, but most women will agree that it takes a lot of hard work to lose the baby bulge.
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Summer salads

Summer salads

Even though your mum harped on about eating your greens, for maximum health protection, you should really eat your reds, purples, oranges and blues too!
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