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Now to Love

Six ways to look better now

Six ways to look better now

Diet, exercise, sleep and other good health habits are the key to looking good. But sometimes you need a quick fix to look better straightaway. Try these 6 tricks: 1. Move gracefully If you don’t, you look old and tired. Poor posture can result even from just slinging your handbag over the same shoulder every […]
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Real Life

I dobbed my boss into the tax authorities

I had just moved from the city to the outer suburbs and was looking for work in my chosen profession. I found the salaries offered to be less than adequate and accepted a position offering a paltry salary with the written promise of a wage increase if all targets were met within the next 12 […]
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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Question: I would like to know if cats can get AIDS? I have a female cat — is there any way she contracted it from other cats? We have some strays hanging around sometimes and while she is inside at night she spends most of her time outside through the day. Nicole, via e-mail. Answer: […]
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Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer

By Annette Campbell David Sandoe, 59, is a general manager with a financial company in the heart of the city of Sydney. But even on his busiest, most high-pressure days, this executive refuses to stress. “Nothing at work can really worry me now,” he says calmly. “I’ve survived worse!” Eight years ago, David was diagnosed […]
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The Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a very popular breed in the United States, which is fitting since they are one of the few dog breeds that America can claim as their own. This intelligent, handsome little dog has its origins in — you guessed it — Boston, where it was originally developed as a cross between […]
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Top lifestyle tips to get in great shape

Get back on track this year with my top 10 healthy lifestyle tips for 2005. You might like to adopt 1 or all 10. Print out the lifestyle tips and stick them on the fridge or your pin board at work, as a daily reminder. Or write them throughout your diary as memory joggers at […]
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Best breakfast ingredients

Best breakfast ingredients

With focus these days on functional foods, breakfast cereals are one group that has its fair share of super ingredients. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits in your bowl. There’s no debate on the power of breakfast as the most important meal of the day for good health, disease prevention, weight […]
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Introducing solids to your baby

Introducing solids to your baby

When it comes to introducing solids, slow and steady certainly wins the race. Let’s take a look at a few of the fundamentals and latest advice. If you’re a first time mum and have a baby around the four month mark, you’re probably getting excited about starting solids. But before you rush into stocking the […]
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Boot camp: nowhere to hide

Boot camp: nowhere to hide

This new exercise craze is taking off around the world, not just as an intensive 'get-in-shape' tool, but as a regular part of a training program. But what’s involved in this military take on physical activity?
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Tai Chi

Tai Chi

This month we take a look at Tai Chi, an ancient craft that's suitable for any age and any stage.
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