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Now to Love


Screeching budgie

Question: We’ve had our budgie for a few years now and he won’t stop screeching. It’s driving us all mad. We tried putting him into another room but it doesn’t help. What can we do? Eve Burrage, Perth, WA. Answer: You need to try and work out what the trigger for his screeching is. Does […]
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Curling hair

Question: It’s fine if you have time to use curling tongs, but what if you don’t? Is there a cream you can put in your hair that will make it curly? There are hair straightening products — are there hair curling products? Stephanie Ross Answer: Yes, there are a number of products you can use […]
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Pass on a good body image

Pass on a good body image

1. Love your own body Does my bum look fat in this? We know that children mimic behaviour…that’s how they learn, and it’s no different with body image issues. If they hear mum complaining about the size of her thighs or the fact that dad has never had a six pack or that big sister […]
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Choosing chocolate

Choosing chocolate

People all over the globe have a love affair with this feel good food. And it’s not just the warm, fuzzy childhood memories conjured up by chocolate that boost your mood. Chocolate is thought to actually promote the release of endorphins, natural chemicals, in the brain. As chocolate is high in fat and kilojoules, big […]
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Walking buses: keeping kids and parents active

Walking buses: keeping kids and parents active

In days gone by children used to walk miles and miles to school and back each day, often without shoes! And perhaps in your childhood you walked or biked to school alone or with your neighbours and siblings. But in today’s busy world it’s not so common. Kids still love to ride bikes and a […]
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Bleaching facial hair

Bleaching facial hair

Question Do you know the long term effect of bleaching the hair on ones face? Will it get thicker? Do I need to moisturise more? I would like to know more please. Lorraine, via email. Answer Bleaching your hair won’t cause it to get thicker, but it could irritate your skin and there is always […]
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Body exfoliants

Body exfoliants

Question I’m a little confused about body exfoliants. Why use them? Do they actually do anything? Which one is the best to use on the body? And how do I use them? Sam, via email. Answer I hope I can assist in clearing up your confusion. Firstly, you need to exfoliate your body twice a […]
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This Body of Death

Cracked heels

Question I’ve noticed with age that I have developed cracked heals. Is there anything that I can do to stop this from happening? Joan, via email. Answer Cracked, dry and/or calloused heels can generally be blamed on open backed sandals or slides. Cracks occur when the skin is too dry or too thick, so you […]
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Applying eyeshadow

Question I was just wondering if you could provide me with some insider tips on how to apply eye shadow like a pro. I find when I apply it, a greasy looking crease forms on my eyelids. Emma, via email. Answer To start with, you need the right tools. The best shape brush is one […]
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Finding foundation without SPF

Question: Hope you can help! Can you tell me what make-up ranges have a foundation that does NOT contain SPF? I get an allergic reaction even to the ones with only 5% SPF and it would seem that every foundation i pick up in the stores has a SPF in it. I have been using […]
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