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Now to Love

Real Life

Long distance love

My husband and I had decided to return with our two teenage children to my country of birth, Australia. There had been problems with my husband’s visa, so he was staying in England to tie up loose ends, such as selling the house. It all started at my leaving party; I met this really nice […]
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Ageing skin

Question: I am nearly 40 and have noticed the wrinkles on my face are quite pronounced. I don’t want Botox. Are there any products that can help me to reduce the signs of aging? Steph Answer: Yes, there are a number of different companies that have creams specifically designed to relax wrinkles. Avon has a […]
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Concealing breakouts

Question: I usually have good skin but when I have breakouts, I can’t seem to conceal them properly. What should I do? Ann Bui Answer: The best thing to use is a medicated concealer — I recommend the Bonne Bell one. I would also suggest that you invest in a range of skin care products […]
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Real Life

My mum’s secret admirer

Suddenly, only a few weeks after my father died, my mother started to receive phone calls from some of his workmates. She confessed she was extremely uncomfortable about it. Most of the people ringing she did not know and a few calls were invitations to go out for a drink — these were from people […]
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Cleaning your cat’s mess up

Question: What’s the best way to clean up after cats? Answer: If your cat urinates on the carpet, don’t use any cleaning agents. The odour from these products can attract the cat back; it’s like waving a sign saying “wee here”. Use water or soda water instead and blot it up. Anika Currie
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Jealous dog

Question: My husband and I are planning on starting a family this year but worry our two-year-old Jack Russell cross, Jackie, might get jealous. She adores children but can get jealous when my attention is elsewhere. What can I do to make sure she is okay with a new addition to our family? Lisa Hunter […]
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Have a laugh!

Have a laugh!

By Annette Campbell Melbourne-based marketing consultant and mother of two Rebecca Collins is one of the growing number of people around the world discovering the joys of a good laugh. The day-to-day stresses of a full-time job and being a mum meant Rebecca was looking for some sort of release. Then she read a magazine […]
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The Siamese


This purrsonality-plus puss is the pet for those who want an intense relationship with a character cat. No shrinking violet, the Siamese both demands and provides extremely stimulating companionship. Extraordinarily intelligent, inquisitive and resourceful, the Siamese usually insists on participating in all facets of your daily activities ? whether it be reading the newspaper with […]
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Real Life

My best friend’s parents

Sally and I have been best friends since we were in year one together. We were next to each other in roll call as both of our last names begin with “t”. We shared everything — dolls, sandwiches and secrets, the way little girls do. We told each other everything and promised to be best […]
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Cleaning your pet’s ears

Question: What’s the best way to clean my pet’s ears? Answer: You can easily clean your pet’s ears by wiping them with cotton wool and peroxide. It cleans away the gunk really easily and the peroxide dries quickly so it doesn’t annoy your pet for too long. Tash
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