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Now to Love

Surf's up

Learn to surf

By Annette Campbell Amanda Williamson believes she’s found her key to being fitter, happier and generally healthier than she’s been for years. So what is her magical, mystical elixir? “I’m learning how to surf!” smiles this 33-year-old mother of three and police officer, from Jervis Bay, near Nowra, NSW. “It’s so much fun and as […]
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Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

By Annette Campbell Until one day in June 1997, Amanda Jones’ life was “pretty normal”. The then 26-year-old was living in Sydney, working full-time in a bank and engaged to be married. But then the degenerative disease multiple sclerosis (MS) stepped in. “My right arm stopped working — it became really heavy,” she recalls vividly. […]
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Weak nails

Question: My nails are really weak and brittle. They split before they even have the chance to grow and they grow really slowly. Is there anything I can do or any products I can use to strengthen them? I have been told this is due to lack of water intake but I drink about two […]
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Real Life

E-mail ruined my friendship

When I innocently swapped e-mail addresses with my best friend’s boyfriend to plan a surprise birthday party for her, I never dreamt things could turn out so wrong. Tom soon contacted me to discuss Trish’s birthday, which was fine. However, as e-mails flowed back and forth, we found ourselves generally chit-chatting about anything and everything. […]
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He hates his kennel!

Question: My dog Ted will not go into his kennel. I have bought a wooden one and a plastic one and he doesn’t like either. He has his special pillow/blanket in both, but this doesn’t help as he keeps pulling them out. He has no shelter outside except for these kennels, so when it rains […]
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Starlight Children’s Foundation

Starlight Children’s Foundation

By Annette Campbell Donna George is a 39-year-old mother of two and legal secretary from East Maitland, near Newcastle, NSW. And this humble, unassuming mum is also nothing less than an absolute hero to kids doing battle with life-threatening illnesses. Donna is an enthusiastic volunteer for the Starlight Children’s Foundation, the national organisation whose mission […]
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Stretch marks

Question: For a general all-over body moisturising cream, is Sorbolene better than Vitamin E? Please note there are stretch marks here to eliminate also. Deb Answer: Sorbelene cream will not eliminate stretch marks. There are, however, a number of over the counter products available, such as Skin Doctors Stretch Away Stretch Mark Reduction Cream, which […]
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Real Life

My mistake almost killed him

Everyone has a thrill seeker inside. There are many extreme sports, but my favourite is rock-climbing. I love introducing people to this fun activity, which is why I became an instructor. Some might say I’m a stickler for the rules, but I always have more fun when I know that nothing will go wrong. What […]
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2005 short story competition
Celebrity News

2005 short story competition

The Australian Women’s Weekly is delighted to announce that publishing giant, Penguin Australia, have become our partners in what has become one of the biggest and most popular writing contests in Australia. The 2005 short story competition will be launched in August at the Byron Bay Writers Festival by the Editorial Director of The Australian […]
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Celebrity News

Michelle Pfeiffer

She has played a murderous mum, a witch, a mobster’s wife, a French aristocrat and a steamy chanteuse, but perhaps Michelle Pfeiffer’s most enduring and favourite role – aside from being a mother – is as muse and glamorous clotheshorse for fashion icon Giorgio Armani. Theirs is a mutually rewarding relationship: he makes her look […]
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