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Now to Love

Glass of milk

Which milk is best for my family

In days gone by there wasn’t a lot of choice in milk. In most cases it came straight from the dairy or in glass bottles, with cream on top and delivered to your front door. Now, the dairy case is bursting with a huge range of milks, plus there’s the convenience of UHT long life […]
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Journey through the bones

Journey through the bones

Try taking a journey through your bones. Stand in front of a full-length mirror in your underwear or something tight fitting. Have a close look at the general shape of your posture and begin to identify some of the bony landmarks, working from the ground up. Feet Place the feet underneath the hip joints, about […]
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Spinal wave in standing position

Align your bones in the standing position, with hands on hips and use your fingers to monitor activity in the oblique muscles. Remember to direct your sit bones towards the floor, lengthen the natural curves of the spine and soften the knees. Begin to move the pelvis by directing your sit bones forward to the […]
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7 Spa Tricks

7 Spa Tricks

Pick your favourite treatment, or better yet, try them all! Relax in the bath An Epsom salts bath is an inexpensive way to make your skin feel much smoother. Add 2 cups to bathwater. Polish your body Combine 1 cup oatmeal, 2 tsp each honey, olive oil, and powdered milk, and sufficient water to make […]
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Preventing cramps and stitches

Preventing cramps and stitches

There's nothing worse than finding the motivation to drag yourself out of the house for that run, swim or cycle than to be struck down with a cramp or stitch. The pain can really hit you hard and literally stop you in your tracks.
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Bodywise, discover a deeper connection with your body

Bodywise, discover a deeper connection with your body

Ballet dancers are renowned for their grace and beauty and Bodywise, a posture book created by highly respected members of the teaching staff from The Australian Ballet, introduces the reader to some of the ideas that dancers use to help achieve their physical goals.
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Bags under eyes

Question What type of make up can I get to disguise the black bags or circles under the eyes? Margaret, via email. Answer Disguising black bags or circles is notoriously difficult, however a proper concealer should do the trick. Concealers come in three forms: liquid, cream and stick. For darker circles a liquid concealer probably […]
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face cream

Night cream and day cream

Question I use night cream during day and also at night to moisturise my skin. I feel comfortable in it as it provides all day moisturising. Are night creams also suitable for daytime use? Swati Dave, via email. Answer Technically, night creams are designed for night use. They’re usually a thicker consistency and provide reparative […]
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Smudging mascara

Question: I go off to work each morning wearing foundation and makeup, including mascara. I find throughout the day my mascara smudges just a bit under my eyes. Can you please tell me why it’s smudging? Am I wearing too much foundation? Lyndy, via email. Answer: Mascara smudges around the eye due to too much […]
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Preventing cramps and stitches

Preventing cramps and stitches

There’s nothing worse than finding the motivation to drag yourself out of the house for that run, swim or cycle than to be struck down with a cramp or stitch. The pain can really hit you hard and literally stop you in your tracks. Common as they are, funnily enough, there is not that much […]
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