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Now to Love


When there’s a niggle

What do you do when your excuses not to exercise are coming fast and furiously this winter, and suddenly there’s a legitimate niggle that may stop you in your tracks? Firstly don’t panic Getting physical can be difficult in an already busy life and often winter can open up a whole new bag of worms […]
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pelvic floor exercises

Efficient abdominals

Efficient abdominals assist dynamic stability just as dynamic stability assists alignment. This is not about developing prominent abs as these are the outer muscles that do not play such an important role in maintaining alignment. Most people associate rippling abs with an athletic physique but it’s possible to have an impressive outer definition with no […]
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pelvic floor exercises

Diamond-shaped pull ups for pelvic floor awareness

Sit cross-legged on the floor and align your bones in the sitting position. Visualise the diamond shape of the pelvic floor muscles. Gently draw the centre of the diamond upwards. Hold this lift and breathe naturally for up to 10 breaths. Release the muscle and begin again. If you lose the feeling of the upward […]
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hanging basket

What are the best flowers for hanging baskets?

Hanging baskets are a cheat’s way to get early flowers. Baskets heat up faster than soil in the ground and you can hang them over nice hot paving, beside brick walls or on warm patios too. In fact you can REALLY cheat and buy your flowers already blooming – just bung them in the basket […]

How to grow chokoes

Chokoes are a no-fail veg. Starve them, forget them, and they’ll still give you an autumn filled with so much fruit you’ll be pestering the neighbors to take some and looking up recipes for choko chutney, choko pie, choko and ginger jam (which isn’t bad, actually). My favourite way of eating chokoes depends on growing […]
Real Life

I caused their divorce

Suzy and I have been friends since high school. We complement each other perfectly and the only subject that we had ever really disagreed on was boyfriends. Hers in particular. Ever since she started noticing guys, she has been attracted to the “bad boys” and the worst of her boyfriends was Jeff. He drank too […]
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Real Life

I pretended I was pregnant

I had always had a problem with my weight but managed to keep it under control throughout my teens and until I was 23. After a four year relationship, my fiancé Mike and I split up for minor reasons and I was devastated. I lost contact with a lot of my friends and food became […]
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Question: I am looking after my parents’ Maltese terrier for the next three months. Last night was the first night I had him and when it was time to put him into his basket he cried continuously. What can I do so this does not occur and my neighbours don’t complain? I know it will […]
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Sneezing pup

Question: My dog is sneezing a great deal and has a very sniffly nose. Is it cold or hay fever, and what can I do to ease his misery? He is approximately nine-years-old. Elizabeth Answer: It could be either, and he probably needs to be seen by a vet if he is off-colour at all. […]
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Blush choice

Question: I want to know how to choose the correct blush colour for my skin. Liz Answer: The best time to determine which colour best suits your complexion is to have a look at your flushed cheeks after a workout or shower — the natural flush is the best shade for you. The safest colour […]
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