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Now to Love

Real Life

I sent my flatmate to jail

My new flatmate seemed friendly enough on our first few meetings so my boyfriend Tom and I were happy to invite him into our home. We were under the false impression that Mark was a decent, honest and respectful person. As it turned out, we were very wrong. Our flatmate Mark was selfish and without […]
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Weekly meal planner: low GI

Weekly meal planner: low GI

The following diet plan is based on an average energy consumption of approximately 6300KJ or 1500calories a day. It incorporates five serves of veggies, two serves of fruit and the occasional treat and is low in GI carbohydrates and saturated fat and high in fibre. Better still, you get to eat on this diet. It […]
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Seven-day diet plan

Seven-day diet plan

Lose weight and enjoy the occasional glass of wine too with this seven-day diet plan … –> Weekly diet plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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Vesna’s quest to get her old body back

Housemate Vesna got more than she bargained for on Big Brother — an extra 12kg! Now she’s determined to shed them, with a little help from Woman’s Day. Never afraid to speak her mind, Big Brother‘s Vesna certainly had her share of run-ins while she was in the house. But now the popular reality TV […]
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Diet Club

Diet success at last!

To all you people out there who have tried diets and been frustrated — keep looking until you find what works for you! I weighed 105kg and knew it was time to do something. I have always eaten healthily — plenty of fruit and vegies, wholegrain cereals etc. In the past I had tried Weight […]
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Real Life

I gave away my mate’s money

Like many young Australians in their 20s, my mate Rob and I wanted to do some serious travelling before we settled into career mode. We had just finished uni and spent all our holidays working and saving our pennies to finance the trip of a lifetime. We had big plans. First we would backpack through […]
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Freaked-out dog

Question: I have a four-year-old German Shepherd and every time she hears someone bouncing a ball she freaks out; she tries to find places to hide just to get away from the noise. Why is this? Vanessa Thornton Answer: Your poor little pooch obviously has a bit of a ball (or general noise) phobia. Maybe […]
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Eye creams

Question: Which is the best and most economical eye cream on the market? I have tried most — even collagen eye cream — nothing helps. Lee Answer: An eye cream is a must but your choice depends on what sort of problem you have. If you get dark circles you need a product that contains […]
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Calling your pet

Calling your pet

By Lucy Hine There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing your dog running in the opposite direction when they’re called. Not having the “come here” command under wraps is not only frustrating but dangerous too. A dog who has been taught to come on command makes walking easier and more enjoyable and gives you the confidence […]
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Real Life

I keyed my husband’s new car

My husband and I always worked hard for the comfortable life. Neither of us had any problems with 12-hour days and no weekends. This all changed, for me at least, when I fell pregnant with my first baby. I worked until two days before I gave birth and decked out the spare room as the […]
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