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Now to Love


Five minute power breathing

Yogic breathing techniques teach you to expel as much air as possible so that inhaling is, in fact, the reflex action – not the other way around. This exercise adds an easy spinal twist to awaken your energy and release physical and emotional tension. For an even more invigorating experience, try practising it outside in […]
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Active summer breaks

One way to keep in shape this summer is to keep active during your holiday break. You can still enjoy the holiday feel-good factor while you improve your fitness.
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How to: Secrets to smudge-free eye makeup

Question: How do I keep my eyeliner from smudging? I wear good foundation and concealer, but my eyes look like they have been out all night, while the rest of my face is glowing! Anna Cosic, via e-mail. Answer: “To start, you need to determine if it’s actually your eyeliner or your mascara that’s smudging,” […]
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How to: Get rid of vertical lip lines

Question: What is the best treatment for removing vertical lines on your upper lip? Sue, via e-mail. Answer: According to Sophy Dennett, from the Avana Clinic in Bondi, Sydney, “The latest treatment that’s giving the best results for ridding lines above the mouth is Botox, an injectable substance used to temporarily paralyse muscle function. When […]
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hair dye

At-home hair dyes

Question: I have reddish-brown hair and would like to dye it blonde, without having to spend a fortune at the hairdressers. How can I use home products? Tracey, via e-mail. Answer: It can be tricky dying brown hair with red undertones blonde without going “brassy”. When trying this yourself, the Schwarzkopf Advice Line suggests starting […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Active summer breaks

One way to keep in shape this summer is to keep active during your holiday break. You can still enjoy the holiday feel-good factor while you improve your fitness. Spa reviver Check out Golden Door Fitness resorts Check out Fitness Escapes Walk on by Check out Intrepid Travel Sun, sea and surf […]
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Writing exercises – Part 3
Celebrity News

Writing exercises – Part 3

You can’t just tell the reader the emotion your character is experiencing, you have to show them. You do this by creating images using bricks of significant detail. God and the devil are in the detail. As Strunk and White wrote in The Elements Of Style, “if those who have studied the art of writing […]
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The x factor of writing
Celebrity News

The x factor of writing

Today we are going to explore one of the x factors in writing fiction, faith. Writing, like any creative endeavour, involves uncertainty and requires an act of faith. Faith in our imagination, faith in ourselves, faith in the creative process and faith in the stories we want to tell. When you sit down in front […]
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Social Crimes
Celebrity News

Social Crimes

Exclusive extract from Social Crimes (Allen and Unwin) written by Jane Stanton Hitchcock. Murder was never my goal in life. I’m a very sentimental person at heart. I cry in old movies. I love animals and children. I’m a pushover for a beggar in the street. So if anyone had told me five years ago […]
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Diet & Nutrition

Culinary herbs — adding more than flavour

Who would have thought that the humble herb pot at your back door could be growing such a powerful health story? A sprinkle of chopped chives on a baked potato, rosemary on a rack of lamb and ginger with chilli on baked fish, hardly adds up to much in the way of nutrition. Or does […]
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