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Now to Love



Question: My sister recently bought an adorable fluffy white Poodle Maltese cross puppy. However, within about four weeks of having her, the poor little thing got two ticks and was terribly ill and nearly died. Now my sister is too paranoid to take her out and won’t let her anywhere near any grass when she […]
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Real Life

I stole for fashion

I’ve always loved wearing the latest fashions. I love the reaction I get from friends when I wear a new outfit and I love looking in the mirror and seeing a stylish woman. It doesn’t matter whether the latest fashion is thigh-high boots or thongs, low-cut jeans or mini-skirts — I’ll buy them all. My […]
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Diet Club

No magic diets or gimmicks

It has taken a whole year, without any magic diets or gimmicks, for me to lose 25kg. The hardest part was the decision to do it. Firstly I committed myself to a lifestyle change. I cut out snack foods, reduced the amount I ate, never ate after 8pm, never missed breakfast, never deprived myself of […]
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Diet Club

‘I’ve lost over 40kg’

In August 2004 I weighed in at 122 kg. When a girlfriend rang and asked me to go to Weight Watchers with her as moral support, I agreed. Now some 15 months later I have just weighed in at 80kg — that’s over 40kg lost, 22 of them in the last 12 months. When I […]
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The Hibernation Diet: lose weight while you sleep

The Hibernation Diet: lose weight while you sleep

It’s a dream come true! As you grab some shut-eye, a spoonful of honey may help you work off kilos. It’s the stuff that weight-loss wishes are made of — shedding kilos while tucked up in bed and waking up refreshed and ready for the day ahead. The new Hibernation Diet claims we can all […]
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Eva Longoria’s slimming secrets

Eva Longoria’s slimming secrets

Super-hot housewife Eva Longoria says balance is the key to keeping her curves steaming up our TV. Moderation is the secret to Eva Longoria’s amazing body. The youngest of the Desperate Housewives stars tries to keep everything in balance when it comes to what she eats. “I’m not obsessed with my diet,” says Eva, 30. […]
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Great skin and a hot body in 30 days

Great skin and a hot body in 30 days

It sounds too good to be true, but go natural and you can do it! Diet is the quickest way to change your looks. Even minor alterations can have a huge impact on the skin. Are you feeling less than your best as summer celebrations take their toll? Could your skin and body do with […]
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Barking problem

Question: My dog has just turned one year old and she has a barking problem. We have tried all sorts of discipline and she still doesn’t learn. She is a very yappy dog, which obviously gets annoying very quickly. What strategies could we use to stop our dog barking? Amy Answer: Firstly you need to […]
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Real Life

I nearly set my mum up with my partner!

I was working in a boring, underpaid job as a receptionist. Every day the building manager would come and visit me to chat and to see how things were going on our floor. I would get him free coffee and biscuits and just enjoy his lovely company. The only thing was, he was 52 and […]
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