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Now to Love


Manage oily skin

Question During summer, my skin seems to be a lot oilier. Is there anything I can do to counteract this? Lou Hampton, via email. Answer Some skin types may seem oilier in summer, but it may be that you are perspiring more, which can make oily-skin problems seem worse. Be careful not to over-cleanse in […]
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Ease congestion, breakouts and blackheads

Question I’ve been suffering from a few breakouts during the summer holidays and am not sure why. Is it something to do with the weather do you think? Sandra Aventis, via email. Answer “Take a look at your sunblock,” says Dr Tom Mammone, Clinique’s director of biological research and development. “There are two types of […]
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Real Life

Getting out

I had been working for the same company for approximately seven years. It was always a bit of a boy’s club and I had to work hard to prove myself and move up the ranks. Working in information technology, there is always fresh blood coming through and this tends to make everyone competitive and insecure […]
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Ange and Brad — the truth about us

Ange and Brad — the truth about us

The besotted parents-to-be are tired of hiding their love for each other and are finally revealing the details of their new life together. The world’s most talked about couple are coming clean. After months of refusing to admit they were a twosome, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are finally stepping into the spotlight, and opening […]
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Real Life

I slept with my sister’s fiancé

When we were younger my sister and I were like chalk and cheese. She was beautiful and admired by all the boys while I struggled with acne and my weight. I was insanely jealous of her but immersed myself in school and university. My hard work soon paid off when I was offered a job […]
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Man phobia

Question: Ever since I have had my lab de-sexed she doesn’t like men. The vet that de-sexed her was a male and since then, when a male comes up to pat her she gets very scared and barks. She is not like this with women. Is there anything I can do? Jessica Answer: She may […]
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Judy Davie

Energy boosting detox plan: days 1 – 4

If you really want to boost your energy and kick-start the new year, then do what celebrities like Demi and Nicole do. A detox will help to unclog your liver, purify the blood and flush your whole body. As toxins release, the metabolism increases and with an increased metabolism you can reclaim the energy from […]
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Judy Davie

Energy boosting detox plan: days 5 – 7

If you really want to boost your energy and kick-start the new year, then do what celebrities like Demi and Nicole do. A detox will help to unclog your liver, purify the blood and flush your whole body. As toxins release, the metabolism increases and with an increased metabolism you can reclaim the energy from […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day
Real Life

Steroids nearly ruined my life

A few years ago I had a great job working for a small business owner. I was also playing rugby, hitting the nightclubs and generally having a blast being young and single. Playing rugby on the weekends was definitely a highlight of my week and I was playing so well and improving so much that […]
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