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Now to Love

violet shampoo

Caring for grey hair

Question: I suddenly have a whole head of grey hair! What’s the best way to look after it? Sangetta, via email. Answer: Grey hair happens when the hair follicles stop producing melanin, the substance that gives colour to our hair. As we age, melanin production decreases, hence the increase in the appearance of grey hairs. […]
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Celebrity News

Age brilliantly

Seven successful Australian women aged from their 30s to their 60s share their style and beauty secrets, and reveal what makes a woman fabulous. What makes a woman fabulous? If you knew the answer and could bottle it, you’d make a mint. Some women seem to have an intrinsic supply of it and yet, if […]
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Judy Davie

Is it true that bread makes you fat?

Is it true that bread makes you fat? I love bread and don’t think I’d be able to cut it out of my diet altogether. Elaine Willoughby Bread is one of these easy foods that many of us rely on too much. Toast and jam for breakfast; a quick sandwich at lunch; a serve with […]
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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week

By Annette Campbell Every year, nearly 1200 Australian women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and nearly 800 die from the disease, the sixth most common cause of cancer death in women. Although about 75 percent of women diagnosed will be at an advanced stage, where the cancer has spread and is very difficult to treat, […]
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The *Biggest Loser* diet: TV’s top trainers

The *Biggest Loser* diet: TV’s top trainers

It’s time to shape up with TV’s top trainers. Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels pull out all the stops to shape up overweight Aussies in The Biggest Loser. Here’s how they go about it … Portion size “The main thing I try to teach and inspire is portion control,” Bob says. “If you travel in […]
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AJ Rochester’s top trimming tips

AJ Rochester’s top trimming tips

The Biggest Loser host AJ Rochester understands how the show’s contestants feel. Formerly 109kg, AJ lost a whopping 50kg by changing her lifestyle and attitude to food. She then wrote two books about it — The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Losing Weight and Getting Fit. Here she shares some of her rules for healthy, permanent […]
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Real Life

I stole from my monster-in-law

I met John and everything was perfect. He was handsome, kind, loving, giving — the list just went on. That was until I met his mother, Marion. Oh, she was just lovely to me in front of John but behind his back it was another story. She constantly told me I wasn’t good enough for […]
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Poppy Montgomery’s super-fit figure

Poppy Montgomery’s super-fit figure

The Without A Trace star’s trainer shares the secrets behind Poppy’s super-fit figure. When it comes to working out, Australian actress Poppy Montgomery, star of TV show Without A Trace, takes fitness very seriously. Playing FBI agent Samantha Spade means she not only has to look good and be physically fit for the role, but […]
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Real Life

I hid the truth from my best friend

My best friend Sara and I had been friends for years. We went to high school and university together and shared all our secrets with each other. My friend was always falling in and out of love with guys. So I thought nothing of it when she met Ed and said that she had fallen […]
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