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Now to Love

Grooming your pet

Grooming your pet

By Lucy Hine Grooming your pet can certainly be a drama, particularly if your cat or dog wasn’t trained or handled very often when they were younger. Understanding your pet’s needs regarding hygiene and cleanliness is the first step to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. Cat owners often watch with wonder at how […]
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Creating an underwater world

Creating an underwater world

By Lucy Hine An aquarium is a soothing and relaxing way to calm stress levels after a busy day at work. Purchasing an aquarium makes sense, as fish and aquatic life are known for their therapeutic qualities and are one of the most popular pets purchased in Australian households. Aquariums range from basic fish bowls […]
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Real Life

I was paid for phone sex

As a single mum studying part-time making ends meet had become nearly impossible. I tried every home-based job going around — from stuffing envelopes to Internet marketing. I couldn’t afford childcare and my family lived interstate. All my friends were too busy with their own children to mind my twin pre-schoolers, so working outside the […]
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Anybody out there
Celebrity News

Anybody out there?

Exclusive extract from Anybody out there? By Marian Keyes. I used to dream of a white wedding. The kind of dream where you jerk awake in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, your head pounding. A dream in the worst nightmare kind of way. I could see it all. The months of bickering […]
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woman eating
Diet & Nutrition

Celebrity diets under the microscope — part 2

If one of your resolutions is to get into shape, here’s part two of our review of the latest diet and food fads. Low-carbs foods There are many new products on the supermarket shelves labeled ‘low-carb’ but, unlike terms like ‘low-fat’, it’s interesting to note that there is no formal standard on what a low-carb […]
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red wine

Drink to your health

There has been a lot of research and news on wine and health over the years. Overall, drinking small amounts (1-2 glasses of wine) most days appears to offer health benefits for those people who choose to drink. Researchers are always careful to add however, that alcohol affects people in different ways and consumption patterns […]
fish dish

Dine with an athlete

Now that the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games are upon us we’re bound to see a sudden surge in athletic pursuits. There’s nothing like watching 4,500 elite athletes to drive your motivation to get moving. Kids especially get in on the act and suddenly want to throw a cricket ball, shot put or hop, skip and […]
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Chocolate facial

Lavish your skin with this indulgent do-it-yourself chocolate facial. It’s a luscious treat for your skin and is suitable for all skin types. The cocoa in chocolate is a source of antioxidants that have a toning effect on your skin; the honey has humectant properties (meaning it helps your skin retain moisture) while the yogurt […]
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Weak, flaky nails

Question My nails have become weak and flaky. I have recently started swimming and was wondering if it’s related to chlorine or other chemicals in the pool? Is there any way I can protect my nails so they will once again grow long and strong? Jacci, via email. Answer Nails are normally highly flexible and […]
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Eliminating blackheads

Question How can I get rid of blackheads and stop my pores filling up with what causes them to form? Jane Markby, Glen Waverley, VIC. Answer “Blackheads are composed mainly of a mixture of sebum [the skin’s natural oil] and dead skin cells, which have oxidised at the surface of a follicle,” Emma Hobson, from […]
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