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Now to Love


Feline friction

Question: We have two cats, Khloee, two years, and Kahlua, nine weeks. Khloee was recently stolen and dumped far from home and I believe they mistreated her as well. She was terrified of all humans when I got her back. We have recently got another kitten for Khloee to play with but she hasn’t really […]
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Real Life

I dated a married couple

I first met Thomas at work. He was handsome, flirtatious and oozed charisma. He was also married. My friendship with Thomas started innocently enough. We’d have coffee or a drink together after work. Sometimes we went out with work colleagues, sometimes alone. I enjoyed our conversations and his casual flirting but figured he was married […]
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Red Cross Calling supporters Sabrina Houssami and Abang Othow

Red Cross Calling

By Annette Campbell Every day, the Australian Red Cross goes to the aid of people in need but this month, the Red Cross needs you. Throughout March, an event named Red Cross Calling will run and, it represents the organisation’s major appeal for funds. During Red Cross Calling this year, 150,000 Australian Red Cross volunteers […]
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What do you know about diabetes?

What do you know about diabetes?

By Annette Campbell This April, feel free to chomp, munch, chew and enjoy any of your favourite meals, all for a great cause — the fifth annual ‘Great Australian Bite’, to raise money and awareness for diabetes. According to Diabetes Australia, more than three million Australians have diabetes or pre-diabetes. While family history does play […]
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Motor neurone disease

Motor neurone disease

By Annette Campbell Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name given to a group of diseases in which the motor neurones (nerve cells which control the movement of voluntary muscles, including the muscles of the trunk, limbs, speech, swallowing and breathing) die. Every day, at least one Australian is diagnosed with this debilitating condition, and […]
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Discover daikon

Discover daikon

Question I bought some white radish from the supermarket, I have never seen it before. Can you please give me some ideas on how to eat it? It looks like a big white carrot. J. Petrolo, Warranwood, Vic Answer White radish is also known as daikon (a Japanese word meaning “large root”) and is a […]
Japanese diet secrets

Japanese diet secrets

Returning to her roots was the answer for the author of Japanese Women Don’t Get Old Or Fat. Why is it that the people of Japan live longer than those of any other country, obesity is virtually non-existent and the women look many years younger than they really are? According to husband-and-wife team Naomi Moriyama […]
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Judy Davie

Step-by-step guide to reading food labels

**I feel a bit stupid asking this question; I know we’re meant to eat less fat, sugar, salt and less kilojoules to lose weight, but I don’t really know what I should be looking for on food labels to work out what’s good or bad. How much sugar is a lot and how do you […]
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Beating the heat

Question: We have a big, hairy breed of dog who is really feeling the heat of summer. We give him plenty to drink and he has lots of cool, shady spots to sit in during the day. He doesn’t like the water and won’t lie on a wet towel. How can we help him beat […]
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