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Now to Love

Real Life

I ruined my twin sister’s life

My whole life I have been jealous of my identical twin sister. Ever since we were little she has been better than me, smarter and more popular. At high school she got red house captain while I got vice. In our VCE results she got the perfect score that she was hoping for while I […]
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Chewing tip

If you have a hound like mine, who loves to chew everything and likes chillies and the bitter sprays, try Dencorub or similar — they hate the smell and won’t go near it! It has saved me from replacing the dog door for the third time —and this is a dog who gets every toy/bone/ball […]
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Diet Club

‘I snack every hour’

After my first child, I had packed on over 20 excess kilos from reckless eating throughout the pregnancy. After 18 months of carrying this extra weight and low self esteem, I was dubious about extra weight piling on throughout my second pregnancy, but then my best friend asked me to be her bridesmaid for her […]
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Unruly eyebrows

Question: No matter what I do, my eyebrows always seem to be out of control and they never stay put. I have tried eyebrow mascaras and even applying hair mousse with an eyebrow brush. But all they seem to do is rub off my foundation, as I apply it first. Am I applying it properly? […]
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Real Life

I nearly ruined a family

I had started a new job and had only been there two days when Phil walked past me in the hall and smiled. He was absolutely handsome and my heart melted there and then. I knew I was going to enjoy this job. After my third day, he e-mailed me and asked if I was […]
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The Stone Angel
Celebrity News

The Stone Angel

Exclusive extract from The Stone Angel (Macmillan) by Katherine Scloles. Stella’s hand looked large and pale in the undersea light. Strands of hair drifted in front of her mask. She held onto a rock as a swell came through, swirling the weeds. When the sea became still again she pulled her knife from the sheath […]
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Judy Davie

Help IBS: high-fibre cereal

I have a lot of trouble with my bowels. Each day I eat high-fibre cereal and often add extra bran to my food but I still don’t seem to manage to have a regular ‘once-a-day’ bowel movement. I feel tired and bloated and know that I’m carrying extra weight as a result of it. I […]
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Judy Davie

Vegies and legumes

**I have a great diet. I eat lots of veggies and legumes, low-fat products, lean meat, fish and everything else you say we should eat but I still don’t seem to be able to lose any weight. Do you have any suggestions with regards to what I might be doing wrong? Gail, Gosford** With a […]
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Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields: fit and fabulous at 40

Elle and Brooke’s fitness guru reveals how she helps them keep their gorgeous bodies in shape. Ever wondered how fabulous 40-something mums Elle Macpherson and Brooke Shields stay that way? They’ve both been trained by former dancer-turned-celebrity fitness guru, Karen Voight. When Elle was working on her fitness video Your Personal Best, she asked Karen […]
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Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz’s slimming secrets

We can’t all afford personal trainers or chefs, but there are still plenty of tips we can pick up from celebs. Check out some of their secrets for keeping slim and sexy. Don’t overdo the bread. Try not to fill up on bread, olive oil and butter before your meal arrives. You could even ask […]
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