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Now to Love

Real Life

I ruined our friendship for a man

I had been envious of my friend Susan for years. No matter what I did in life it never managed to measure up to whatever she was doing. My family was good, her family was great; I was fairly attractive, she was drop-dead gorgeous; I did well academically, she did better. You get the picture. […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day

Bassett hound

Question: Our little Bassett hound is four months old and tends to wake up every morning around 5.30am barking. The only way to stop him barking is to get up and “entertain” him. The neighbours get upset with us when we just let him bark. Is there any quick way we can teach him to […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day

Ingrown hairs

Question: I wax and no matter how much I exfoliate with body scrub, I always have painful ingrown hairs on my bikini line and underarms. Is there a better way to get rid of them or prevent them? Chloe Answer: I sympathise with you — unfortunately, some people are just prone to ingrown hairs. The […]
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By Annette Campbell Did you know that people with the blood clotting disorder, haemophilia, don’t actually bleed any more profusely than anyone else – just for a longer time? It’s a myth that people with this condition will gush blood from a cut and quickly bleed to death. And did you also know that haemophilia […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day

Acne scars

Question: What kind of product would you recommend for dry skin and acne scars? I have just turned 32 and my skin has become dull and flaky. Huey Answer: I would suggest you look around for a great face exfoliant and use it once a week. I would also suggest you start using products that […]
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Real Life

I faked an attempted suicide

A number of years ago I found out my husband was having an affair with his secretary. I was devastated; we had been married for 15 years and had four delightful children — three girls and a boy. We had a lovely home and good friends. We had both been overseas together to Europe, England […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day

Grey eyeliner

Question: I have heard that grey eyeliner and mascara are the best for blue eyes — is this true? Leanne Holynski Answer: The reason people suggest such a colour for blue eyes is that it makes your eyes look bluer, which, of course, is very flattering. If you are a little nervous about using colour […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day
Diet Club

Greater portion control

I was 82kg and 5’3″. Not a good look. I found out I had osteoarthritis in my knees and I just had to lose weight. I love food; growing it, cooking it and of course eating it! I have always had a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, lean meat and fish but still […]
Brand logo of Woman's Day