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Now to Love

Celebrity News

Mel’s Mercy Dash

Melissa Doyle always knew it would be the children who’d touch her heart. Earlier this month, the devoted mother of two made a six-day dash away from her job as co-host of the Seven Network’s Sunrise program, to the icy steppes of Mongolia where — as World Vision’s Guardian Angel — she distributed handmade Aussie […]
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Real Life

I made myself sick to make my Dad stay

My problems all started just over five years ago. I will never forget my first day of high school. It was a warm summer’s morning, the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. Everything seemed perfect. Just metres from the school gates I suddenly felt a sharp crippling pain in […]
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Real Life

I’m having my best friend’s brother’s baby

Lil and I had been friends for ages. We spent most of our schooling years together. We were very close and as all friends have their differences, we used to work through ours and they made our friendship stronger. So when I started sleeping with her brother I felt like the worst person in the […]
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Real Life

My dental revenge

I’d already had quite a gruelling year. I’d travelled overseas, had a good dose of measles, turned eighteen and there was the sudden death of my best friend — so career choices certainly weren’t on my list of priorities. Once things settled down I began seriously thinking about what I ought to be doing — […]
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Is there a pet suitable for me?

Question: I live in a small apartment and I travel with work — up to four days a week. Is there a pet suitable for me? Kate Heyman Answer: This is a difficult one because most pets want love and attention which means a commitment to being around. However, they are adaptable and will get […]
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Neighbourhood fight

Question: Please advise how we can control our cat fighting with the neighbour’s cat. He has been neutered about two months ago but still goes over to the neighbour’s house from time to time to “pick a fight”. We keep him indoors at night and do not want to keep him indoors all the time. […]
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Dog doesn’t eat

Question: My eight-year-old Maltese terrier barely eats a thing when either my Mum or I aren’t at home. He is a very slow eater anyway and won’t eat outdoors, so when Mum is out for the night — especially if she’s away for longer — it worries me that he won’t eat enough. Nicole Answer: […]
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Judy Davie

Detox diet: the wheat factor

**My 20-year-old daughter has decided to go on a detox diet to lose weight. She’s been told to eat no products with wheat or diary, and consume no alcohol or caffeinated drinks. She goes to college and I’m worried that she won’t get enough in the day to sustain her. Marie** If this means she’ll […]
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The warming soup 7 day plan

The warming soup 7 day plan

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at The warming soup 7 day plan Eating larger meals during the day and serving soup only at night can be a great way to stay warm, feel nourished and shift some extra kilos. There’s an investment of time to […]
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Judy Davie

Soy milk

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at I seem to have gained weight as a result of switching to soy milk. I thought it was meant to be good for you. Gail — Turramurra Many people make the mistake of thinking just because a food has […]
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