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Now to Love

Chocolate truffles

Is chocolate really the perfect lift-me-up?

Most of us love chocolate for the smooth, creamy texture and treat it as an indulgent pleasure, and although chocolate is well renowned for its feel-good factor, there’s some debate as to whether chocolate really is the best food to improve your mood. Welcome to the pleasure dome Chocolate has been popularly claimed to act […]
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5 surprising ways to drop a dress size

Even the biggest losers reach a weight loss plateau. These tricks will help you shift those last few kilos. Pump protein A Baylor University study found that women on a short-term high protein diet lost 1.3 kg more body fat than those on a more conventional carbohydrate plan. Protein preserves muscle mass, which elevates metabolism […]
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Photos by Getty Images

The latest and greatest in treadmills

If you're used to running or walking a local circuit for fitness, you better have a plan B for winter. Rain, hail, sleet and shorter daylight hours are bound to see you caught out and unable to work out. More and more people are turning to home based treadmills, that they either purchase or hire, and here's why...
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Face washing

Minimise large pores

Question What is the solution to minimising large pores? Clover, via email. Answer Pores are passageways for oil to be released into the skin,” explains dermatologist Dr David Orentreich. “They may be barely visible on people prone to drier skin, whereas people with oily or thicker skin tend to have larger, more noticeable pores. They […]
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Vitamins to combat ageing

Question How do vitamin supplements help maintain the quality of your skin through the ageing process? Is there any need to take them? L. Watson, via email. Answer In his book, The Murad Method, dermatologist Dr Howard Murad says the amount of vitamins you get from foods depends on how fresh they are, how they’ve […]
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How to: Perfect foundation application

Question: I’ve tried many foundations and I always have the same problem. The nose area becomes shiny and has a blotchy look. What am I doing wrong? Michelle, Lara VIC. Answer: Preparation is essential. Start with a regular skincare regimen of cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. Exfoliating will help to minimise uneven, flaky skin and maximise […]
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Photos by Getty Images

The latest and greatest in treadmills

If you’re used to running or walking a local circuit for fitness, you better have a plan B for winter. Rain, hail, sleet and shorter daylight hours are bound to see you caught out and unable to work out. More and more people are turning to home based treadmills, that they either purchase or hire, […]
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Real Life

My secret love affair

I’ve been with my boyfriend for five years and as much as I loved him, things did get a little stale and routine in our relationship. On top of that, I found that my partner Tom and I were starting to take less notice in each other and definitely neglecting to take the time to […]
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Eat all day and lose weight!

Eat all day and lose weight!

Hollywood’s leading ladies know all about slimming… and now you can, too! ‘By eating every three hours, you’re never hungry and constantly reset your metabolism’. Tinseltown’s brightest lights are usually a fickle bunch when it comes to diets. Over the last few years, the fad-diet bandwagon has been overloaded with A-list names, all vying with […]
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Judy Davie

Too much toast and pasta

Now that daylight saving is over and the temperature has dropped I can’t stop thinking about food. I’m eating much more toast and pasta and don’t feel like eating nearly as much fruit and salad. I really don’t want to gain any weight. What do you suggest? Kim — Geelong It’s quite common to eat […]
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