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Now to Love


The Borzoi

By Lucy Hine The Borzoi is an elegant dog that is also known as the Russian wolfhound. Bred for wolf hunting by the Russian aristocracy, its name comes from the Russian word “borzii” which means swift. The method of hunting the Russians used with the Borzoi was quite unique. Russian hunters rode on horses in […]
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October food plan

October food plan

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at A diet plan free of all processed carbs, high in fibre, antioxidant rich vegetables and fruit and protein for satiety, is the perfect start to improved health and weight loss before summer kicks in. While not a “detox”, this […]
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Eye care

Question: My eyelids, especially closest to my lashes, are always red; more so if I am tired. How can I prevent this and make it less noticeable? Jane Answer: Firstly visit your optometrist or doctor to find out why your eyelids are red as you may have a reoccurring infection or may be allergic to […]
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Tyre chaser

Question: I have a six-year-old Doberman who likes to chase the car tyres whenever we drive out. We have tried everything. Can you help us please? — Sam Answer: Tyre chasing is quite a common hobby of active dogs, particularly those of a territorial nature. The movement sets off some sort of predatory behaviour inside […]
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Keep your cat happy and their teeth great!

Question: Cats are natural carnivores and most of our pet cats just love a good munch on something meaty! Some butchers have the odd chicken neck floating around, this does sound gross but your cat will love you! (Make sure to serve outside to minimise mess.) Answer: Grace
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Diet Club

Water: drink yourself to thin

Spill your diet secrets!** Chat to other slimmers here Water: drink yourself to thin Whenever I have a craving for something I am not supposed to eat while I’m dieting, I drink two glasses of water instead. The craving disappears magically! — Saima
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Diet Club

Slow but sure

Spill your diet secrets!** Chat to other slimmers here Slow but sure I am a 20-year-old athlete. I had a terrible injury that had me off training for about 12 months. At the start I was really careful with my food choices — obviously I couldn’t eat as much as I did when I was […]
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My Sunday with Terri Irwin
Celebrity News

My Sunday with Terri Irwin

Terri Irwin is so beautiful, fragile, and strong. Despite the overwhelming sadness that prompted our meeting, I spent one of the most inspired, loving Sunday afternoons of my career. I came away completely shattered by Terri’s grief, overwhelmed by her immense strength and unshakeable faith, humbled by her generosity and big heart despite it being […]
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