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Now to Love

Raymond and Ruth Tanner

Illegal organ removal

By Caroline Fisher In 1986 Raymond and Ruth Tanner had to watch helplessly as their precious baby James struggled for survival. “James was born with an inoperable heart condition and it was gut-wrenching watching our first-born son struggling to breathe.” After two days on breathing apparatus, James’ breathing tube was removed. “It was my birthday […]
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Judy Davie

Losing weight fast

By Judy Davie ‘I have to lose weight fast. My husband has a work function in two weeks and I have to go. I can’t fit into my only dress. Help!’ It would be much better for you if your husband shouted you a new dress. Crash diets never work and usually result in any […]
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Face creams

Question: Hi Mary, I’m in my early fifties and would like to know what is a really good lotion or cream for deep wrinkles. I have oily skin so can’t use really rich creams. There are so many new ones claiming to give great results. Please help. ? Thanks, Stephanie. Answer: It can be confusing […]
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Real Life

He thought she was me

I am one of identical twins. My sister and I were so alike when we were younger that we did the usual twin things like pretending to be each other in class, with friends and even with boyfriends. It was this ability to fool people into thinking we were the other when we needed to […]
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Down Syndrome Awareness Week

Down Syndrome Awareness Week

By Annette Campbell Did you know that, although the incidence of births of children with Down syndrome (DS) increases with the age of the mother, most children born with DS are actually born to women aged younger than 35? Also, although it’s widely assumed people with DS are always happy, they can be hurt and […]
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Lightening black hair

Question: I have been dyeing my shoulder length hair black for some years now, but would like to change the colour. Can I do this with the black? Or do I have to wait for it to grow out and then cut the black out? ? Resli Answer: Yes, it’s possible to change the colour […]
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Exercise and your dog

Exercise and your dog

By Lucy Hine If you’re wondering how to lose those few extra kilos, grab your dog and a leash and get walking. Physical exercise is vital to the health and wellbeing of you and your dog. Exercising together not only develops the bond you have with your pet but also stimulates your mental health, concentration, […]
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Melinda Cruz and her miracle babies
Real Life

Melinda Cruz and her miracle babies

When doctors told 18-year-old Melinda Cruz that she’d better hurry up and have babies, she was shocked she had been given such a clear ultimatum. But because she had been diagnosed with endometriosis and a bicornuate uterus (where the uterus is shaped like a love heart with two separate halves) Melinda had less time than […]
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