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Now to Love

Diet Club

Don’t drink your calories

Spill your diet secrets!** Do you have a secret diet shame? Maybe you have a slimming secret that actually works? Whatever your diet confession is, you can share it here and read the diet tales of other readers.
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Diet Club

Small changes

Spill your diet secrets!** Do you have a secret diet shame? Maybe you have a slimming secret that actually works? Whatever your diet confession is, you can share it here and read the diet tales of other readers. Chat to other slimmers here Small changes When my doctor told me my cholesterol level was in […]
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November meal plan

November meal plan

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at **Are you ready for summer? If not, here’s a great meal plan to help you get in shape and give you the energy to enjoy those long hot summer days. Make sure you drink two litres of water each […]
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Scary lump

Question: I have a 7-year-old female Maltese Terrier that has a hard lump on the right top nipple. At first it was the size of a 5-cent piece, now it has grown to a 10-cent piece. She has not been de-sexed and the only other dogs she plays with are her mother and her sister […]
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Homemade cat toys

Question: You don’t have to buy toys for your cat to be happy. My cat loves the foil from the top of wine bottles, a cardboard box that has holes he can stick his paws out of, dry leaves, and alfoil rolled up into balls. Answer: Marisa
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Celebrity News

Princess Mary pregnant!

It’s official! The palace confirms our princess is expecting another baby! After weeks of speculation, Princess Mary has finally confirmed she is expecting a little brother or sister for Prince Christian. Chief of the Court Per Thornit announced last week, “It is expected that the birth will take place at Copenhagen University Hospital in the […]
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