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Now to Love


Hay rolls

Question: If you want your bunny to eat more hay I suggest a hay roll. Cut a paper towel roll, when empty, into quarters and stuff it with hay. Rabbits generally love to pull the hay out. It is also good if your bunny likes to wee in his/her hay. Answer: Lisa
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Real Life

I stole my mother’s fiancé

I was always a precocious teenager. I blossomed early in life and quickly learnt how to use it, much to my mother’s chagrin. I was the only child of a single parent who worked late shifts to make ends meet. I always dated older guys and if my mother warned me against it, I would […]
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Christmas party beauty tips

Christmas party beauty tips

Happy to ditch their hospital scrubs for party frocks, Jacinta Stapleton and Tammy MacIntosh joined their All Saints co-stars at one of Sydney Harbour’s most glamorous mansions for a casual-but-chic feast. Celebrity make-up artist Chris Coonrod and award-winning hairdresser David Keough created our All Saints looks for the party season. Follow their step-by-step instructions on […]
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Judy Davie

Diet yoyo’s

‘I’ve been on so many diets, have lost some weight, but never enough. Before I know it, I’m off the diet and the weight’s piled on again. Can you help?’ If losing weight were as simple as making the decision to cut down on food until we’d lost what we needed to, the entire nation […]
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Judy Davie

My baby has a slow heart rate

‘I’m 2½ months pregnant and the baby has a slow heart. What should I start eating for the baby to be healthy and strong?’ — Emma It’s so distressing to hear this kind of news at any stage during your pregnancy but there are many people who live to a grand old age with a […]
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Stinging face wipes

Question: I’ve been using wipes for my face and they work, but it sometimes stings and hurts in some areas of where I have the pimples. Are the wipes harsh for my face or is that normal? ? Gabriella. Answer: Hi Gabriella, If your wipes are stinging your face then they are too strong for […]
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Nasty Cockatiel

Question: Recently one of my cockatiels died and the other one that was in the cage with him has turned very nasty ? like attacking people and flying at our head and body to attack. I thought they were both male birds, but maybe I was wrong. How can we get the bird to calm […]
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Belinda Emmett and Rove McManus
Celebrity News

Belinda Emmett: 1974-2006

Surrounded by her family and friends, actress and singer Belinda Emmett, 32, lost her eight-year battle with cancer at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital at dawn on Saturday, November 11. Belinda, a popular actress in the TV series Home and Away and All Saints and wife of comedian Rove McManus, the host of Network Ten’s Rove […]
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Get a flat tummy fast!

Get a flat tummy fast!

A toned and taut Kirstie Alley reveals how you too can look amazing in a cossie. Kirstie worked hard to get into shape for her bikini debut on Oprah. She went hiking every morning for an hour, then tried for an afternoon workout of weights, circuit training, pilates or yoga. She also followed a 5000kJ-a-day […]
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