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Now to Love


Clawing dog

Question: My three-year-old golden retriever insists on clawing at the carpet like a cat. We clip his nails each month yet he is unstoppable. Why does he do it? Colleen Answer: Whereas scratching is a normal behaviour for cats, it’s quite abnormal for dogs. I would say that, instead of scratching, he’s actually digging. And […]
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Your health checklist for 2008

Your health checklist for 2008

If you’ve had a really busy 2007 and barely had time to think about your health, it’s time to do so. Some medical checks are best done regularly, so make it your number one new year’s resolution to see your GP. “It’s a great idea to touch base with your GP once a year, even […]
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December meal plan

December meal plan

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at Summer is here. It’s the season for salads, soft fruits and outdoor eating. You hardly want to spend hours in the kitchen, yet at the same time you need to feel satisfied after each meal you eat. So it’s […]
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Train your cat

Question: I taught my cat to come to a whistle by using it when I was giving him a cuddle and a feed. Now when I call him in for the night, nine times out of ten he arrives home. I have trained three cats the same way. Answer: Helen
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The Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu

Descended from the Lhasa Apsos of Tibet, which in turn were crossed with the Pekingese, the resultant Shih Tzus were often presented as tributes to the Emperor of China and lived a life of luxury in the Imperial palaces. The breeding of these lively little dogs was supervised by court eunuchs, who vied with each […]
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Holidaying with Mary
Celebrity News

Holidaying with Mary

by Glen Williams I went down to Tassie aiming to report on Princess Mary’s Aussie homecoming. This was going to be a happy family reunion, as it was the first time most of Mary’s rellies had come face to face with her very cute baby boy, Prince Christian. I was told we might not be […]
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Cellulite secrets

Cellulite secrets

Five tips to shifting that orange-peel look — fast! Get glugging Start each day with a cup of hot water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Replace your coffee, soft drinks and cordials with water. Veg out Pile your plate with vegies and salads splashed with a low-fat dressing or a touch of balsamic […]
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