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Now to Love

Britney’s shock suicide attempt
Celebrity News

Britney’s shock suicide attempt

At the time of going to press, Britney Spears was on suicide watch after fleeing rehab twice in one week and reportedly trying to kill herself while in the grip of a tragic meltdown. Brit’s increasingly disturbing behaviour has family and friends fearing the worst for the singer. “Britney has definitely gone off the deep […]
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Olivia and daughter — Chloe’s brave battle

Olivia and daughter — Chloe’s brave battle

In this week’s issue of Woman’s Day, Olivia Newton-John and her daughter Chloe Lattanzi open up in a soul-bearing interview. In her brief 21 years, Chloe has endured more heartache than most people experience in a lifetime. As mother and daughter bravely dealt with one personal battle after another, today Chloe has emerged strong and […]
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Lisa Oldfield: Let’s help the aged

Lisa Oldfield wants to see the elderly cared for by their loved ones rather than the hospital system. My grandparents and my mother and father-in-law, whom I love very dearly, have been very sick of late and have relied on care. They’ve lived through the Depression and worked so hard to carry Australia through that […]
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Michael Hinde: ‘My love triangle’

Michael Hinde: ‘My love triangle’

Biggest Loser contestant Michael Hinde talks to Woman’s Day about his time on the show. **Starting weight: 165.2kg Elimination weight: 145.7kg** Were you surprised to be eliminated? It was a shocker and quite hurtful. They said I wasn’t a team player which was a surprise considering all the sport I’ve played. I don’t mean to […]
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Spa horror “My 8-year-old sister saved my life”
Real Life

Spa horror “My 8-year-old sister saved my life”

Molly Devenny, 7, owes her life to the courage and quick-thinking of her eight-year-old sister. Chloe used first-aid she’d seen on television to try to resuscitate Molly after pulling her free from their father’s backyard spa in Perth, where she lay trapped underwater after her hair was sucked into a filter. “I was very scared,” […]
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Keeping your pet cool

Keeping your pet cool

With hot days upon us, our four-legged friends need all the help they can get in keeping their cool. Pets require many of the same conditions that humans need: a shady spot to spend the day, access to cool water and plenty of rest. They also require gentle exercise in the coolest parts of the […]
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Fighting fit

Fighting fit

By Annette Campbell Around the world, thousands of different martial arts are practised every day. And while they all have different origins, techniques, benefits and theories, there is one thing they all have in common … timelessness. “Martial arts are the best form of exercise and fitness,” says Master Phil Monaghan, a black belt multi-discipline […]
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