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Now to Love

What do I do with a tagine?

What do I do with a tagine?

Question I was given a tagine as a present from my daughter and am a bit nervous about cooking on my stove top. Can I put it in the oven? Answer Tagine is the Moroccan word that refers to both the conical earthenware vessel and the food prepared in it. The tagine is used for […]
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Licking dog

Licking dog

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own or browse our archives.
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I gave my baby away
Real Life

I gave my baby away

It was to be the trip of a lifetime. My boyfriend Connor and I were to spend two years travelling around Europe after finishing school. We had spent six months saving so we could do some travelling before settling in London to earn some pounds to fund our future travels. Three weeks into our trip, […]
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Judy Davie

Calorie/Kilojoule intake

By Judy Davie **”I was wondering what an average calorie/kilojoule intake should be for me and my partner who are looking at losing weight and are both 26.” — Natalie** Without your current weight it’s impossible to tell you off the top of my head. If you are both quite large, with a lot of […]
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Judy Davie

Yoyo dieter

By Judy Davie **”Can you please help? I seem to be a yoyo when it comes to losing weight. I lose it, then go back to my original weight and get all depressed about it. Each time I think, ‘This is it and I’ll never put it back on,’ but I always do. Any ideas?” […]
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Adventure sports

Adventure sports

By Annette Campbell Think you need a little more excitement in your exercise regime? Why not try something a bit more challenging than the usual treadmills and exercise bikes? Instead of heading to the gym for your next workout, head for the great outdoors. There are loads of adventure sports to try — abseiling, surfing […]
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Diet Club

Watch your portion sizes!

I’m Italian so large meals (and seconds and thirds and sometimes even fourths) are expected of us! All of a sudden I had piled on an extra 15 kilos! I began to look at the serving sizes on the products I was actually cooking. A packet of pasta serves four… I was using TWO packets […]
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