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Now to Love

A fiery affair
Real Life

A fiery affair

Raymond and I were teenage sweethearts but we drifted apart and over the years I heard that he got saddled to a young country girl at 24. As for me, I was making a successful and exciting career. Our paths met again at a corporate function and although looking a little tired for 27, to […]
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Jeanne from Revlon works her makeover magic
Celebrity News

May on the Road Train

Look out for the Road Train this month as we visit towns in Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia. Capital day On Sunday, March 11, we joined the Celebrate Canberra Festival to say “Happy Birthday!” to our nation’s capital. Highlights included Test Kitchen Director Pamela Clark’s impressive recipes and a fashion parade featuring the latest looks […]
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Candy cravings

Coping with treat cravings in winter

Do you find yourself craving comfort foods, especially sweet treats such as puddings, desserts and hot chocolate, in the colder winter months? While there’s no need to deprive yourself completely of enjoyable foods, you need a smart strategy to get through winter without any unwanted baggage. Here are some tips: Control those portions Sorry to […]
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Milk, a great calcium builder

Lifestyle tips to beat osteoporosis

Bone up on calcium The key to healthy bone habits is to ensure you’re getting your daily requirements of bone-building nutrients such as calcium. Most adults need 1000mg of calcium each day (roughly three to four dairy serves), with an additional 300mg for men over 70, women post-menopause and adolescents having growth spurts. Dairy products […]
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Walking, a great way to keep fit

Walk those sneezes away

We all know that regular physical activity has a long list of benefits — enhanced flexibility, strength and energy levels, healthy weight management, improved blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, better sleep patterns and decreased risk of lifestyle diseases. While researchers have always believed that fit people are also well people, there was little […]
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Energy-saving lighting

A cleaner, greener home

Want to make your home more environmentally friendly? Here are our top 10 tips for energy-efficiency. Check your insulation Proper insulation will keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Choose biodegradable cellulose or wool instead of fibreglass or polyester. In winter, place draught strips around doors and hang close-fitting curtains over windows. Install […]
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Can marriage make you healthier?

Married or single: who’s healthier?

According to the latest research, getting hitched improves your physical and mental health — if you’re a man, that is. In a study from the University of California which was published in the journal Cancer, researchers found that, compared with single guys, married men described themselves as enjoying better psychological and physical health and being […]
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<i>The Scandal of the Season</i>
Celebrity News

*The Scandal of the Season*

EExclusive extract from The Scandal of the Season (Random House Australia) by Sophie Gee. Arabella Fermor was looking at herself in the glass, considering on which side of her cheek the morning’s beauty patch should be placed. She stepped back so that Betty, her maid, could tighten the robings on her stays. Arabella’s lapdog, Shock, […]
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Professor Kerryn Phelps

Ask Dr Kerryn Phelps

This month, we’re launching a new service, in partnership with our medical expert Professor Kerryn Phelps, called Ueathealthy. Developed by Kerryn and her partner, Jackie Stricker, Ueathealthy is an online health food store catering to those suffering from food allergies, such as Coeliac disease, wheat intolerance and diabetes. It offers a range of healthy products, […]
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Apple pie

How to get the best pastry

Question I have a recipe that asks me to “blind bake” my pastry. What is blind baking? Answer Blind baking is a cooking term to describe baking sweet or savoury pie shells or pastry cases before the filling is added. If a filling does not need to be baked or is very wet, it may […]