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Now to Love

Itchy dog

Itchy dog

Every week Dr Chris Brown answers your pet questions — submit your own or browse our archives.
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Not my husband’s son
Real Life

Not my husband’s son

My husband Ted and I have been married for 15 years. We have one son, Lachlan. He’s not Ted’s biological son and for many years, Ted didn’t know the truth. I had never shared my secret with anyone and I’d hoped I would never have to. Lachlan was diagnosed with acute leukaemia shortly after he […]
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Diet Club

Eat more and exercise

I used to think that eating less made me lose weight. Since doing some study on exercise science recently, I found out that too few calories actually brings about weight loss through muscle depletion, not fat loss. If you don’t consume enough calories each day for simple functions, your body stores what you eat as […]
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Reading food labels

Reading food labels

By Judy Davie **”I try to make sure I buy healthy packaged food but noticed when I read last month’s fridge audit on your site that some of the products that I buy each week were not that healthy. What should I be looking at when I’m shopping for food?” — Jenny** It’s quite understandable […]
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Understanding additives

Understanding additives

By Judy Davie There are numerous additives used to preserve products, maintain consistency, thicken sauces etc. Many are harmless, but those to be weary of are preservatives, flavouring and colouring. Although manufacturers must use these products minimally, many are known to trigger behavioural disturbances, skin allergies, asthma and migraine headaches in children and sensitive individuals. […]
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