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Now to Love

My best friend’s son
Real Life

My best friend’s son

My best friend Kerry fell pregnant when she was 15. She and I had been inseparable since childhood but on the night of her child’s conception she had gone alone to a town dance while I was at home sick. There she danced with the town heartbreaker (who I had been in love with). One […]
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Celebrity News

Weeknights shopping list – March 2008

Recipes for these fast and easy dinners are only available in the March 2008 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. Your shopping list for fast and easy dinners. Shopping list Fried pork risoles 600g pork mince garlic fresh coriander fresh mint garam masala sea salt flakes 250g dipping breads 75g Asian salad mix mango chutney […]
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Celebrity News

Gale force beauty

She’s a woman who has already seemingly had it all in life; natural beauty, brains, a soaring modelling career and a gorgeous man by her side. But, after stepping off the catwalk for the final time in February, Megan Gale has her whole life ahead of her and some exciting new opportunities to boot! We […]
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<i>Trip of a Lifetime</i> by Liz Byrski
Celebrity News

*Trip of a Lifetime*

Exclusive extract from Trip of a Lifetime by Liz Byrski. Later, even when she’d had time to think about it, she still couldn’t remember anything unusual about that evening; no sense of foreboding, no warning signal, not even feeling of unease. The meeting ran late, it was dark and wet as they came out of […]
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Weight on, I’m stressed out!

When you’re feeling stressed out it can be really hard to stick to your healthy eating goals. Suddenly you crave comfort foods like chocolate, chips or takeaways and lose all motivation for those gym visits. So it’s no surprise that many people gain weight during particularly stressful patches in life. But is it just a […]
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Fibre for heart health

Learn to love fibre, for your heart’s sake. That’s the message from a recent Medical University of South Carolina study. Thirty-five healthy adults were randomly selected to consume either the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) high-fibre diet (nearly 28 grams of fibre per day) or a psyllium fibre supplement (equivalent to 27 grams of […]
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Toast to that?-An update on alcohol guidelines

Did you know that our alcohol guidelines are currently under review? Yes, that’s right. But don’t get excited if you enjoy a regular tipple. You’re likely to be surprised to hear that the draft of the new guidelines takes a more conservative view than the current report published by the National Health and Medical Research […]
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Top incidental activity tips

If lack of time is challenging your New Year fitness goals, try breaking up your exercise into multiple small bouts. Three 10-minute sessions can be just as effective as one 30-minute session.
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Top incidental activity tips

If lack of time is challenging your New Year fitness goals, try breaking up your exercise into multiple small bouts. Three 10-minute sessions can be just as effective as one 30-minute session. The following tips are designed to help you be more active in your daily routine throughout the day. This will have enormous positive […]
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