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Now to Love

Female firsts
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Female firsts

Australian women are renowned for breaking down barriers. Here, Sue Williams talks to trailblazing women in myriad fields of endeavour about their setbacks and successes. First aboriginal film star — Rose Kunoth-Monks “It was life-changing,” says Rose, now 70. “It never changed me from being an Aboriginal person and it never changed me at the […]
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*The Australian Women’s Weekly* turns 75
Celebrity News

*The Australian Women’s Weekly* turns 75

In the world of magazines, there is nothing quite like The Australian Women’s Weekly and this month, we celebrate our 75th birthday. Since The Weekly’s first ever issue in 1933, The Weekly has grown to become a publishing icon with an emotional connection to generations of Australian families. We’re proud to bring you our special […]
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Celebrity News

Books that changed my life

There are few pastimes more pleasurable than curling up with a good book and losing yourself in another world. Books Editor Carol George spoke to Bryce Courtenay, one of Australia’s best-loved authors, about which stories inspired his own literary passion. The only thing I ever stole in my life was a book. I was six […]
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Stopover eating tips

Whether you’re planning an exotic holiday or road trip this summer, chances you’re going to get stuck at an airport or road stop where there is limited food choices available. So here are some top tips to keep your healthy eating goals on track while you are in transit. Vending machines Smart buys: Ditch the […]
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Veg out regularly

With a recent survey showing that four out of ten adults report they are eating more vegetarian meals than they did a couple of years ago, it’s time to take a look at your own family’s meal patterns. Hippie food? “By giving vegetarian meals a go, people will be doing their wallet, their health and […]
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Spice whirl

Spice whirl

Spices are some of the healthiest ingredients in Mother Nature’s pharmacy and offer a multitude of benefits, including easing joint pain, improving circulation and – according to Ayurvedic medicine – stoking your agni, or inner fire, therefore making you feel more energetic. Here are five of our favourite healing spices (including one we bet you’ve […]
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Tea toughens bones

Tea toughens bones

An Australian research study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition has found that women who were regular tea drinkers had a 2.8 per cent higher hip bone-mineral density and lost less bone (1.6 per cent versus 4 per cent) than those who did not drink tea. The women who participated in […]
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Running over the hill

There's always debate over whether there is a magic age that runners should hang up their shoes in favour of less stressful exercise pursuits like walking or swimming. Find out what the recent research says.
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Coffee cosmeceuticals

Coffee cosmeceuticals

Question: Answer: Up until recently, so-called “natural” skincare products didn’t have a great reputation for their effectiveness in dealing with mature skin concerns. Now however a new range of products called Priori Coffeeberry is excellent for revitalizing ageing skin. Based on the anti-oxidant-rich whole fruit of the coffee plant, Coffeeberry is said to be at […]
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