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Now to Love

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All about cholesterol

Question: I often hear about cholesterol and the different types. Can you tell me which one we need to increase and which one we should try to reduce? Answer: Cholesterol is essential to life. It is a soft waxy substance that helps form cell walls and makes hormones. The body produces most of the cholesterol […]
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Exercise For Your Life

Exercise For Your Life

Exercise For Your Life New evidence is showing us that we need to both exercise as well as lose weight to have the greatest reduction of risk to lifestyle related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. This exercise to weight relationship is a direct balance between the energy we consume […]
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Moon Gardens

Moon Gardens

Once upon a time gardeners believed that flowers and herbs had more power if gathered by moonlight – especially if you planted them for spells and potions. Maybe this was because some plants are more fragrant at night, as they try to attract night flying moths and other insects. Cool moist air also seems to […]
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<i>What Alice Forgot</i> by Liane Moriarty

*What Alice Forgot*

An exclusive extract from the Great Read in the May issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly: What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty (Pan McMillan) Was that talkback radio she could hear? She hated talkback radio. The callers were so cranky and nasal. They were always appalled by something. Alice said that she’d never been appalled […]
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Magda Szubanski
Celebrity News

Hi from Magda

When Magda Szubanski revealed her amazing weight loss on The Weekly’s cover, she inspired the nation. Here she shares an open letter with us all. Hi Guys It’s Magda here. I would like to thank all the Weekly readers who entered the competition for a chance to meet me, and see me as Big Julie […]
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Madge and Rita exclusive: We’re still going strong!
Real Life

Madge and Rita exclusive: We’re still going strong!

By Glen Williams Pictures: Andrew Jacob These TV favourites graced our screens for decades — and today their legends live on. They’re the stars of two of Australia’s most fondly remembered TV commercials. They were in our faces and under our skin for over two decades — Madge, the mad beautician who’d make her unsuspecting […]
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Magda tells: ‘I’ve dropped five dress sizes’
Celebrity News

Magda tells: ‘I’ve dropped five dress sizes’

By Phillip Koch Pictures: Grant Matthews Australia’s favourite funny girl has found a new lease on life. These days Magda Szubanski gets a shock when she looks in the mirror and sees an incredible shrinking TV star. A couple of weeks ago Magda Szubanski dug out an old pair of jeans she’d bought on a […]
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