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Now to Love

Aussie dad tells: I snatched my son from a kidnapper
Real Life

Aussie dad tells: I snatched my son from a kidnapper

By Jo Knowsley Pictures: Oscar Kornyei Last week Qld dad Matt Munt was working in his yard when he looked up and saw a man running down the driveway with his petrified little boy. An ordinary weekend turned into something out of a sick horror film for Ipswich father Matthew Munt. It was Saturday afternoon, […]
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Catriona: The baby I thought I’d never have
Celebrity News

Catriona: The baby I thought I’d never have

By Leigh Reinhold Pictures: Cameron Bloom Catriona Rowntree is excited about her looming arrival, but worries she may give birth on the side of the road! Radiant, seven-months-pregnant Catriona Rowntree lets out an excited squeal as she sweeps into the lavish baby shower being held in her honour. “It’s absolutely perfect,” the happy TV star […]
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Debra Byrne: I’m a mother again at 52
Celebrity News

Debra Byrne: I’m a mother again at 52

By Glen Williams Pictures: David Hahn Emerging from the shadows of abuse, the singer is relishing her role as full-time guardian to her grandsons. Something transfiguring, something dramatically life-changing, has happened to Debra Byrne. You can see it, plain as day, as the iconic entertainer bursts forth with a carefree chorus of Baa Baa Black […]
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Bud Tingwell’s final bow
Celebrity News

Bud Tingwell’s final bow

**By Lucy Chesterton and Jacqui Lang The Aussie acting legend departed this life as he lived it… in a blaze of warmth, humour and love.** Leaving a well thumbed script by his bedside, beloved actor Charles “Bud” Tingwell ended his final day the same way he did so many before — with his lines fully […]
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Warwick Thornton's 'Samson and Delilah'
Celebrity News

*Samson and Delilah*

Samson and Delilah If it’s possible to pack a wallop at the same time as being quiet and unassuming, Warwick Thornton’s first full-length feature does it. “Samson and Delilah” has been selected for this year’s Cannes International Film Festival and I expect it will wow audiences there, as it should and hopefully will here in […]
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Sex & Relationships

Are you relationship ready?

Drop the baggage If you want to start something new with somebody, it’s unlikely to happen or be successful if you’ve got a ton of emotional baggage hanging around. Signs that you still need to let go are… You still think about your ex a lot – more than three or four times a week/day/minute. […]
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I dumped my wife when she became a frumpy mummy… twice
Real Life

I dumped my wife when she became a frumpy mummy… twice

Sometimes I think that I’ve got no right to feel bitter, but mostly I just feel angry. Denise and I met at university and had a great connection. We’re accountants, which doesn’t sound exciting, but I’m in corporate venture transactions, where the financial rewards are very thrilling indeed and Denise is a partner in a […]
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Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts — a role model for ‘real women’?

Julia Roberts has been branded one of the bravest ladies in Hollywood after brandishing her ‘mummy midriff’ in a skimpy bikini in Hawaii recently. View our picture gallery featuring our favourite heroines of real women On holiday with her husband, cinematographer Daniel Moder, 40, and their children, the 41-year-old Pretty Woman (1990) star showed her […]
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Getty Images

Colour Me Healthy

What are Phytochemicals? Phytochemicals are partly responsible for vegetables’ protective benefits, helping to improve your overall health! Did you know that it is these phytochemicals that give vegetables their colours and each colour holds their own, unique health benefits? (See below for the 5 colour groups and some examples of vegetables they include). Chose vegetables […]
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Getty Images

Are fresh vegetables better than frozen ones?

Question: Are fresh vegetables better than frozen ones? Answer: Ideally, we would all be growing fresh vegetables from our flourishing vegetable patch in the back garden. For most of us, this scene is unfortunately far from reality, instead relying on our local supermarket for fresh and even frozen vegetables. This week we aim to clarify […]
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