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Now to Love

Kirsty Alley
Celebrity News

Kirstie Alley’s fat farm freak out

The star’s bizarre antics at a health spa have some worried that she’s lost her grip on reality. Jackie Brygel reports. With her eating out of control again, Kirstie Alley checked into a ritzy California fat farm. But according to fellow guests, the 90kg-plus actress made a mockery of the facility’s strict rules on dieting […]
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Sandra Bullock
Celebrity News

Sandra Bullock’s tragedy: I can’t be a mum

Forced to give up on IVF, the star has been robbed of her last chance to become a biological mum. Clare Rigden reports. Sandra Bullock always thought she was “too selfish” to be a mother. Then, at 39, she fell in love with her now husband, Jesse James, and her biological clock started ticking. “I […]
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I Took My Cheating Husband’s Hair
Real Life

I Took My Cheating Husband’s Hair

My husband Richard and I had been married for seven years and I thought we were reasonably happy. I won’t say we hadn’t experienced our fair share of rocky patches but then who doesn’t? I was first attracted to Richard because of his dark good looks, his charisma and his silver tongue. He had slick […]
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Getty Images

Spice up your diet with antioxidants!

It’s not unusual to hear the term “antioxidants” used in all different ways these days, being applied to everything from processed foods through to face creams. But there’s no need to look for expensive potions to get your antioxidants, they’re already in your fridge and pantry, found naturally in the foods we eat every day. […]
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Getty Images

The ‘cancer risk’ of frying steak

Frying meat on a gas hob can increase your risk of getting cancer, according to new research. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found that the fumes produced by pan-frying steak on a gas hob contain more cancer-causing particles than those produced from an electric hob, the UK’s Daily Mail reported. […]
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Getty Images

Eating fruit could block breast cancer

Extracts of a tropical fruit grown on vines could have cancer blocking powers, according to new research. Scientists studying green and knobbly bitter melon fruit found that certain ingredients interfered with the chemical pathways involved in cancer growth, the BBC reported. Breast cancer: risk factors They found the fruit instructed the breast cancer cells not […]
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Getty Images

Can chewing gum give you wrinkles?

We all know that discarded chewing gum can make our streets look like a dog’s dinner, but have you ever thought that they may be making your face deteriorate too? A cosmetic surgeon in America is suggesting that excessively chewing gum could actually give you wrinkles, citing the anecdotal evidence of the customers who come […]
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Getty Images

Is loneliness bad for your health?

We all know that loneliness is not good for the soul, but new research suggests that it can be bad for your body too. Lack of contact with others can actually increase your blood pressure if you are over 50 years of age. Psychologists at the University of Chicago have found a direct correlation between […]
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Princess Tiaamii
Celebrity News

Katie Price has glamour-model ambitions for daughter

Former glamour model Katie Price is reportedly keen for her two-year-old daughter, Princess Tiaamii, to follow in her footsteps and would be happy for her to get Botox and breast enlargements once she hits the legal age. “When Princess is 18 and goes to be a page three girl, I’d encourage her,” Katie said, according […]
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