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Now to Love

What causes allergies? Experts blame excessive cleaning

What causes allergies? Experts blame excessive cleaning

If you are obsessed with keeping your home or workplace clean and tidy, you may be doing more harm than good when it comes to your health. Excessive cleanliness has led to a soaring rise in allergies such as hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma in developed countries, a new Canadian study has found. The […]
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Catherine Zeta-Jone’s sexy shoot
Celebrity News

Catherine Zeta-Jone’s sexy shoot

At 40 years of age, Catherine Zeta-Jones isn’t afraid to show off her assets. The stunning brunette recently stripped off for a racy photo shoot for US woman’s magazine Allure. The actress, who is currently performing on Broadway in her show A Little Night Music, showed exactly how much of a work-out dancing can be. […]
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Pregnant women don't eat enough fruit and vege

Pregnant women don’t eat enough fruit and veg

Recent research has found that unborn children may be at risk as pregnant women are gaining too much weight and not eating enough fruit and vegetables. The Australian research, which was published in the Nutrition & Dietetics journal last month found that pregnant women only eat half the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables that […]
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Dicko tells all about his weightloss
Celebrity News

Dicko tells all about his weightloss

Dicko speaks to Woman’s Day about his weight-loss journey and his new outlook on healthy food and living life! So you got your gear off? Yeah! It’s all a bit of a daze now. I’ve had three moments in my life where that has happened. One was Dancing with the Stars, when they said, “Will […]
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Image source: Getty - posed by models
Real Life

True Confessions Agony Aunt: Suffocating girlfriend

I was with my girlfriend for five years and we split up for a while but then got back together again. Now I don’t know if it was the right thing to do. Since we got back together again she has spent every minute she can with me. She won’t let me go to the […]
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Getty Images

Can cold hard cash relieve pain?

We all know that money can help cure our financial ills, but new research shows that cold hard cash can alleviate our physical ailments too. As crazy as it sounds, a US study has found that handling money can be an effective way of relieving pain and even preventing it, the UK’s Daily Mail reported. […]
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Getty Images

Exploding common exercise myths

Regular exercise is one of the single most important things that you can do for your health. Being active reduces your risk of heart problems and stroke, cancer, sleep issues, osteoporosis, chronic pain, dementia, depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes and unhappiness, to name just a few benefits. So why are more and more Australians becoming less and less active?
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Getty Images

Exploding common exercise myths

Regular exercise is one of the single most important things that you can do for your health. Being active reduces your risk of heart problems and stroke, cancer, sleep issues, osteoporosis, chronic pain, dementia, depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes and unhappiness, to name just a few benefits. So why are more and more Australians becoming […]
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How long can I keep fresh fish

How long can I keep fresh fish

Question: How do I store fresh fish? Fresh whole fish should be scaled; gutted and cleaned (your fishmonger should be able to do this for you). Rinse the cleaned fish under cold running water then pat dry with absorbent paper towel to remove any traces of scale or intestine. Place the fish in a covered […]
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