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Now to Love

Mark Cermac
Real Life

I’m still Australia’s oldest virgin

Mark Cermac is still looking for love … but only Miss Perfect need apply. He’s a hopeless romantic with old-fashioned values – traits some would argue have long been bordering on extinction. But what sets Mark Cermac even further apart is the fact that, at 42, he’s still a virgin. “I believe I am still […]
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Susan Falls
Real Life

Susan Falls: My son doesn’t know I killed his dad

She killed her husband after years of abuse climaxed with threats to her son’s life. Now, the Aussie mum tells Warren Gibbs she’s starting anew. As seven-year-old Jackson Falls lays in bed each morning, his mum Susan curls up beside him, kisses his cheeks and whispers how much she loves him.“ I love my children […]
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Sleeping beauty

Sleeping beauty

Unlike the fairytale princess, you may not be condemned to 100 years of sleep, but you can use your nightly shut-eye to reinvigorate your skin. Face Before you worry that you need another cream in your daily routine and skip this section, have a read. We’re all prepared to moisturise after cleansing at night, so […]
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Prime Minister Julia Gillard: My Aussie dream
Celebrity News

Prime Minister Julia Gillard: My Aussie dream

The nation’s first-ever female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, knows better than most that Australia truly is the land of opportunity, writes STEVE JACKSON. For our nation’s first female Prime minister, the challenge has only just begun. But if anyone is well-equipped for the contest that lies ahead, it’s Julia Gillard. Faced with calming the country […]
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parents on lounge, with child, Getty Images

From debt to disaster

We often consider credit card debt to be a personal problem, but when we start families, what we don't realise is the impact it has on the entire household.
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Julia Gillard’s hair: how it’s changed

Julia Gillard’s hair: how it’s changed

The announcement this morning that Julia Gillard has taken over the reigns as Australia’s new prime minister prompted us to take a look back on how she has changed over the years and taken centre stage as our leader. To be honest, while her leadership status and responsibilities may have risen to new heights, she […]
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chocolate bars

Is chocolate good for you?

**I love chocolate and have heard it’s good for me — great news! I know I’ll be eating lots of chocolate anyway but can you help me make the best choice at least. Jacqui** That’s a great attitude. What’s the point in total sacrifice at the expense of a whole lot of pleasure when you […]
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Miranda and Orlando engaged!
Celebrity News

Miranda and Orlando engaged!

Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr and Hollywood hunk Orlando Bloom have announced their engagement. The couple, who met backstage at a Victoria’s Secret show in 2006, spent time together in Europe recently before announcing their engagement. British-born Bloom and 27-year-old Kerr, who have both previously denied wedding plans, now say they are going to tie […]
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Surprising health benefits

Just when you think that scientists and doctors must be near to running-out of new health benefits to research and incredible discoveries to make, they unveil some more. One of the symptoms of a stroke — where the affected area of the brain is unable to function — is the inability to move one or […]
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Cake cooling

Cake cooling

Question: What’s the best way to cool a cake? Stand the cake for up to 15 minutes before turning it only a wire rack to cool further. Turn the cake, upside-down, onto a wire rack, and then turn the cake top-side up immediately using a second rack (unless directed otherwise), Some wire racks can mark […]
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